Keyboarding Objective 4.02 – Implement paragraph formats. Document Processing Keyboarding Objective 4.02 – Implement paragraph formats.
Paragraph Formats Block style – all lines of text are aligned with the left margin the first line of a paragraph is not indented commonly used when formatting letters and memos Indented – the first line of a paragraph is indented use the Tab key to indent paragraphs commonly used when formatting reports Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Paragraph Formats Hanging indent – a temporary left margin that indents all lines except the first line of text the first line is flush with the left margin; each additional line is indented commonly used when citing bibliography sources Example: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
American Heart Association Horizontal Centering When text is centered between the left and right margin Commonly used when formatting: Invitations Announcements Title pages Lets Hoop It Up!!! Participate in our Hoops For Heart Campaign to help raise money for the American Heart Association February 27-March 3, 2006 See your PE teacher for more details.
Horizontal Centering Using the menu bar 1. Access the Format menu bar option 2. Select the Paragraph option
Horizontal Centering Using the menu bar 3. Choose Centered alignment from the Paragraph window
Horizontal Centering Using the tool bar Click on the Center alignment button on the tool bar
Vertical Centering When text is centered between the top and bottom margin Commonly used when formatting: Invitations Announcements Title pages
Vertical Centering 1. Select Page Setup from the File menu bar option
Vertical Centering 2. Select the Layout tab from the Page Setup window 3. Choose Center alignment from the Vertical alignment list