TG EHIS 23-24 January 2012 Item 2.1.1 of the agenda Information from Eurostat Christine COIN, Eurostat
Contents Eurostat reorganisation from 1/1/2012 Wiesbaden memorandum Revised legislative policy for the ESS Revision of Regulation on European Statistics TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Eurostat reorganisation from 1/1/2012 Unit F5 «Education, Health and Social protection» Within Directorate F in charge of Social Statistics: Unit F1: Modernisation and coordination Unit F2: Population Unit F3: Labour market Unit F4: Quality of Life Unit F5: Education, Health and Social protection TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Eurostat reorganisation from 1/1/2012 Education and health: Both surveys data and administrative data Social protection statistics: ESSPROS TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Wiesbaden memorandum Adopted by the DGINS Conference on 28th September 2011 « New conceptual design for household and social statistics » Agreement in particular on: Joint progress towards a common architecture for European social statistics Core social surveys providing data (including microdata) should be streamlined Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) to drive the modernisation process TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Wiesbaden memorandum State of play related to modernisation of social statistics and specific situation of EHIS: To be discussed under Item 5. of the agenda TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Revised legislative policy for the ESS Drivers for the revision Eurostat « Vision »: production methods for EU statistics a vision for the next decade (2009) EU legislative process heavy and slow Enforcement procedures not used Increasing need for flexibility Statistical technicalities in the hands of statisticians An effective priority setting mechanism in the ESS TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Revised legislative policy for the ESS Proposal (agreed within the ESSC in 2011) Move towards a more frequent use of soft law instruments such as ESS agreements Towards framework legal instruments covering broader areas of statistics (or cross-cutting and infrastructure related issues) Sunset clauses introduced in legislation TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012
Revision of Regulation on European Statistics Regulation (EC- N)223/2009 of the EP and Council of 11 March 2009 on European statistics under revision An amendment relates to reinforced coordination, responsibility of the NSI for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics TG EHIS, 23-24 January 2012