Welcome To 7th Grade Language Arts Springton Lake Middle School Mrs. Megan Snyder
Who Am I? Currently in 16th year teaching at SLMS, coaching 7th grade volleyball, and Yearbook Adviser Loving daughter, sister, wife and mother (Trey-5, Ali-4)
My Education Undergraduate: West Chester University- Special Education Graduate: Temple University- Education Cabrini College– Reading Specialist Penn State University- Autism Certification Certifications: Middle Level English, Wilson Reading System, Middle Level Math
Scope of Language Arts Curriculum LITERATURE: This course develops the seventh grade student’s literacy skills through a reading workshop model. The workshop model incorporates mini lessons and conferring as a means of instruction to improve student learning. Students read a variety of novels, short stories, and poetry that align with their study of the elements of literature (plot, character, conflict, theme, and setting).
Scope Continued WRITING: Writing instruction in this course focuses on writing narratives and fan fiction to coincide with a book of the student’s choice. Poetry and text-dependent analyses are also written throughout the year.
Units of Study September / October November / December Launch Reading Workshop Author Study/Analytical Reading Text Dependent Analysis Essays November / December Writing Narratives January / February Dystopian Book Clubs March Reading and Writing Poetry April All Class Novel Study Week of April 9: LA PSSA Testing Week of April 16: Math PSSA Testing May / June Writing Fan Fiction Grammar Practice Throughout
Required MATERIALs Library card Chromebook Pens and pencils, colored pencils Post-its Marble notebook Assignment book Independent reading novel 2 two-pocket folders Donate: disinfecting wipes and tissues (please!)
POLICIES Home Expectations: Students must read a minimum of 30 minutes per weeknight and 60 minutes over the weekend. Additional work and practice outside of the school day may be required as part of the teaching and learning process.
From Sally Shaywitz’s Overcoming Dyslexia * 07/16/96 Keeping Our Kids Reading Words they’re exposed to per year From Sally Shaywitz’s Overcoming Dyslexia *
Policies Continued Make-up work: Students are responsible for making up all work missed due to absence. Students have two days for each day of absence to make up assignments. If a student is absent on a quiz or test day, he/she should plan to take the assessment upon his/her return to school.
Policies Continued Assessment: Grades are based on total points (#points earned/total possible points). Students will be assessed using a variety of methods, including classwork, quizzes, tests, and written assignments.
Policies Continued Home Access Center (HAC): Grades will be posted no later than two weeks after the assignment is collected. If a student has a “Z,” this assignment is calculated into the average as a zero but CAN be made up for partial credit. The grade will turn into a zero if the assignment is not submitted.
HAC Continued Please contact Trish Kelly at tkelly@rtmsd.org if you do not know your login information.
Policies Continued Conduct: Students are expected to follow all guidelines outlined by the Rose Tree Media School District and Springton Lake Middle School. This policy includes maintaining a safe and comfortable environment for all learners.
Communication Email: msnyder@rtmsd.org Voicemail: (610) 627-6733 Website: Access through RTMSD website Schoology: More information to follow!