EXECUTIVE President: Julia Ip Vice-President: Vithusha Yogathasan Administrative Assistant: Vruti Shah Treasurer: Hayley Banks Program Coordinators: Bentley Chen & Meisa Chen Fundraiser: Cameron Jedemann Media Officer: Ben Minor Communications Officer: Jake Koszczewski Club Liaison: Omkar Kolekar Junior Liaison: Rhea Pai Staff Advisor: Ms. Webber
MEMBERSHIP Registration is closed!! Our chapter has 83 members for the 2017/8 year
DATES TO NOTE Training Session #1 - Today (Oct. 4) – PI, Intro to Online Test Session #2 Monday, October 16 – Clusters Session #3 – Wednesday, October 25 – Clusters October 30th → Online MC Test Regional Training: Nov 4 One on one training dates: TBD Regionals: Next 3 slides Provincials: In 4 slides
DECA YORK REGIONAL COMPETITON Monday, October 30 Sunday, November 19 Online MC Competency Test In-school from 3-4:15 Clusters will be organized into the various computer labs (164, 213, 230, 229) 100 Multiple Choice questions; you are timed for 75 minutes New: All written events must qualify through Online Competency Test All Operation Research, Chapter Events & E-ship Events write Entrepreneurship Exam). All others are cluster specific (eg. Bus. Admin., Finance, Hospitality, Marketing) Individual and Team Oral Role Plays, including Principle Events; Individual Events are being scheduled for the morning Ryerson University; Approx. 8:30-4:00, includes Awards Ceremony Arrange own ride Cost for Regional and Membership = $37.00 paid☺
DECA YORK REGIONAL COMPETITON To prepare for your Online Competency Test (MC format): Try the online MC Test (as many times as you’d like between October 1-28) – https://www.anwerwrite.com/Login.aspx?ID=161 Participant ID Email used for DECA Password 1718DECAON Try the online sample test provided at www.deca.ca; Members; Competitive Events Check resources posted on our school website (www.mdhsdeca.webley.com)
DECA “CLUSTERS” Marketing Cluster - AAM, ASM, BSM, FMS, MCS, RMS, SEM, BTDM, MTDM, STDM, ADC, FMP, PSE, SEPP Business Management and Administration Cluster- BLTDM, HRM Finance Cluster - ACT, FTDM, BFS, FCE Hospitality and Tourism Cluster –HLM, RFSM, HTDM, TTDM, HTPS Business Administration Core (Principle Events) - PBM, PFN, PHT, PMK Entrepreneurship Cluster – ENT, ETDM, All OR, All E-ship Writtens (including GRIT), All Chapter Events Personal Financial Literacy - PFL
DECA PROVINCIAL COMPETITION Thursday, February 8 to Saturday, February 10 Thursday, February 8- Bus Departure from MDHS, Arrival, group dinner Friday, February 9- Role Plays (Individual and Team), Written Event Presentations, Principle Event Role Plays and MC Test Saturday, February 10-Multiple Choice Tests; Award Ceremonies (3 sessions) NOTE: Everyone must qualify; Writtens are only submitted electronically through Turnitin Cost will vary from:$60 for day registrant; 2 night stay at the Sheraton, Hilton, Doubletree or Eaton Chelsea (single, double or quad +HST+DMF (Approx. $60-150 per person per night)) Top 8 in orals advance; top 8 in written events advance **Talk about GRIT Tank Event
INTERNATIONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (ICDC) Friday, April 20- Thursday, April 26, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia Cost for a quad room will be approx. $1 400 YRDSB & TDSB currently have bans to the US
HOW TO BE INFORMED Markham District High School DECA @MarkhamDECA markhamdistrictdeca@gmail.com colleenmdhs@yahoo.com www.deca.ca Twitter: @MDHS_DECA
DEMONSTRATION OF DECA RESOURCES www.deca.ca or 2016.deca.ca Ontario www.deca.org USA www.mdhsdeca.webly.com