Smart Grid Teleconferences – Jan-Mar 2011 January 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0210r0 January 2011 Smart Grid Teleconferences – Jan-Mar 2011 Name Company Address Phone email Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 +1-321-751-3988 Date: 26 January 2011 Abstract: NIST PAP#2 Status Australian Smart Metering UK Consultation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
January 26 Meeting Topics Jan 26 Agenda PAP2 Vote required by Jan 28 Collect comments Australian Smart Metering Questions by Jan 31 Response by Feb 11 Reword Question Get 802 agreement UK Consultation Status = closed awaiting publication of Gov’t response Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
NIST PAP#2 January 2011 Abstract: This work area investigates the strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, and constraints of existing and emerging standards-based physical media for wireless communications. The approach is to work with the appropriate standard development organizations (SDOs) to determine the characteristics of each technology for Smart Grid application areas and types. Results are used to assess the appropriateness of wireless communications technologies for meeting Smart Grid applications. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
NIST Timeline (Anticipated) January 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0210r0 January 2011 NIST Timeline (Anticipated) Schedule as of Jan 2011 Draft 0.5 July 28, 2010 Call for Input to Section 6 August 4, 2010 End of draft 0.5 review period September 15, 2010 SGIP face-to-face, St Louis Tentative PAP 2 meeting September 16, 2010 September 30, 2010 Release of draft 0.6 October 29, 2010 End of draft 0.6 review period November 4, 2010 OpenSG + PAP2 meeting, Fort Lauderdale December 3, 2010 Extended edit period January 15, 2011 Release of Version 1 Continuation of project to extend findings June/July 2011 Release of Version 2 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
January 2011 Version 1.0 released Jan 13, 2011 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
PAP#2 Report - Voting/Response guidelines January 2011 PAP#2 Report - Voting/Response guidelines Vote response due date Friday Jan 28. Vote/comments not required to be completed today am1 but can we agree on direction? Allows up to 8 days to formulate response Only yes/no vote expected. Comments can be supplied if desired but there is no definitive or immediate plan to respond. Comments received will be archived for consideration during preparation of Version 2 report. Lack of response is deemed to be acceptance. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Comment Collection 1. Member comments January 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0210r0 January 2011 Comment Collection 1. Member comments The matrix V6-r1 supplied as part of the 802 commentary was not included There is no technology specific Appendix for 802.15 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Recommendation – LA Outcome January 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0210r0 January 2011 Recommendation – LA Outcome Continue to solicit members to read and comment on PAP#2 Report V1 Cconvene conf call Jan 26 to review comments and voting positions. 2. Further Consider voting options: Yes with no comments Yes with non-binding comments No with willingness to change to Yes if certain conditions are met Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
January 2011 Australia Australia has issued a call for candidates for their Smart Metering HAN Responses from 802 should be provided Probably best from individual WG, e.g 802.11, 802.15, 802.16 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Australian HAN RFI January 2011 The schedule for the RFI is as follows: 20 December 2010 Issue the RFI to standards organisations 21 January 2011 Standards organisations to register their participation via email 31 January 2011 Closing date for questions 11 February 2011 Submissions due date 14 to 25 February 2011 Preparation of initial evaluation and first draft of review to be sent to the BRWG 28 February 2011 Issue RFI draft evaluation to the BRWG 8-9 March 2011 First BRWG workshop review 10-18 March 2011 BRWG's HAN Technical Group work (as required) 5-6 April 2011 Final BRWG workshop review 12 April 2011 Submission of the RFI report and Smart Metering Infrastructure Functionality Specification Change Control to the NSSC 20 April 2011 NSSC meeting May 2011 Issue HAN interface standard report to the MCE's SCO Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Question wording (due by Jan 31)-proposed January 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/0210r0 January 2011 Question wording (due by Jan 31)-proposed Proposed question #1 Some portions of the HAN RFI can be read as a request for standards information while appear to be a system procurement specification. The technology contained in a complete Smart Metering HAN system cannot be provided by any single SDO and would need to be provided by a wide variety of Standards Organizations. Standards created by IEEE such as those in the 802 family (e.g. 802.3, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16) contain specifications for only ISO layers 1 and 2. Layers 3 and 4 for protocols such as TCP/IP are provided by IETF. Several of the questions refer to transfer of smart metering protocol messages at layers 5-7 that would be contained in a higher level protocol specification developed by yet another organization outside IEEE 802 such as IEC 61850 or ZigBee and their Smart Energy Profile 2.0 (SEP 2.0). Additionally, testing and certification is typically provided by a trade organization such as ZigBee , Bluetooth SIG, WiMAX, and the Wi-Fi Alliance. We propose to explicitly answer a portion of the questions that relate to technology under our direct control and either respond with not applicable (N/A) or refer to other trade and technology sources for the remainder of the responses. Do you have any comments on our approach? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
January 2011 Group conclusion Agreed that the revised question to Australia should be further developed by the 802 WGs and ideally sent as one question from the collective group. If that approach is not feasible, at least expect each WG to submit a similarly worded question. WG chairs will refine the language in time to respond by the Jan 31 deadline. Given the US - Australia time offset and that Jan 31 is Monday the 802 WGs completion date should be Friday Jan 28. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
January 2011 UK Smart Metering Smart Metering Implementation Programme: prospectus status Formal written consultation has closed and is awaiting publication of the Government’s response. (1 of 21 consultations in similar state) UK aim is to provide a summary of public responses to consultation within three months of the closing date. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell