Texas Woman’s University Dual Credit
Mission The Dual Credit program provides a collegiate experience and pathway for exceptional high school students, who are college bound and who meet eligibility requirements, to successfully bridge from high school to college.
Benefits of the High School Advantage Program The Dual Credit Program is a great way to get a head start on your college education! Courses meet High School requirements, while at the same time earning college credit Courses meet Texas Common Core requirements and are fully transferable to any public college or university in Texas Dual Credit courses cost less than regular college courses (Tuition rate of $50/credit hour & $45 fee/credit hour. Total: $195 for a 3 hour course) Convenience – Texas Woman’s University brings dual credit courses right to your campus! TWU admits men into all of its programs
What to Know About Dual Credit Student will be considered a college student TWU Academic Calendar (Drop Deadlines) Official Transcripts TWU Email Grades will affect college GPA Dual credit courses are taught by Argyle HS teachers who serve as TWU Adjunct Instructors Only courses in the TWU core curriculum are offered for dual credit Courses align with TWU courses taught at the main campus Adjuncts meet with academic department heads throughout the year
Eligibility Meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements Maintain a “C” or higher in each dual credit course
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) It's the Law TSI is a matter of state law (Texas Education Code 52.3062) and compliance is mandatory for all students who wish to attend a Texas Public institution of higher education. The law requires all entering college students to be assessed for college readiness in reading, mathematics, and writing unless the student qualifies for an exemption. Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code 4.85, a high school student is eligible to enroll in dual credit courses if the student demonstrates college readiness by achieving the minimum passing standard under the provisions of the Texas Success Initiative.
Official Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Requirements ASSESMENT MATHEMATICS READING WRITING ACT 19 Math and 23 Composite 19 Verbal and 23 Composite SAT (prior to March 5, 2016) 500 Math and 1070 Composite* 500 Verbal and 1070 Composite* 500 Verbal and 1070 Composite SAT (on/after March 5, 2016) 530 Math 480 Evidenced Based Read/Write 480 Evidenced Based Read/Write TSI ASSESMENT 350 Math 351 Read 340 M/C and 4 Essay; or <340 M/C and ABE LVL4, and 5 Essay
TSI Testing at Argyle HS Test Dates: Tuesday, May 1st Wednesday, May 2nd Thursday, May 3rd Costs: $10 per section; total for all three subject tests is $40 (fee for writing section is $20). Registration for TSI Exam completed online
TSI Testing at TWU TWU will be offering the TSI exam at the Denton campus on the following dates: Students will need to review the TSI Pre-Assessment Information & Resources (PAIR), register, and pay for testing online. Test Dates SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2018 SATURDAY, MAY 5, 2018 SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2018 SATURDAY, JULY 21, 2018 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 2018 TSI exam can be completed anywhere, but official scores must be sent to TWU’s Office of Admissions Processing.
Argyle HS Fall Course Offerings HS COURSE NAME TWU COURSE NAME COURSE NUMBER INSTRUCTOR Calculus I MATH 2014 Curtis Williams Chemistry I Chemical Principles I CHEM 1113 Kimberly Kass Chemistry I Lab Chemical Principles Laboratory I CHEM 1111 College Algebra Elementary Analysis I Math 1303 Phyllis Clark English 3 Composition I ENG 1013 Jennifer Hadley English 4 World Literary Masterpieces ENG 2013 Stacey Short Microeconomics Principals of Microeconomics ECO 1013 Bryan Beene Principals of Macroeconomics ECO 1023 Statistics Elementary Statistics I MATH 1703 US History 1492-1865 History of the United States, 1492-1865 HIST 1013 Sharon Romero
Argyle HS Spring Course Offerings HS COURSE NAME TWU COURSE NAME COURSE NUMBER INSTRUCTOR Calculus II MATH 2024 Cliff McCurdy Chemistry II Chemical Principles II CHEM 1123 Kimberly Kass Chemistry II Lab Chemical Principles Laboratory II CHEM 1121 English 3 Composition II ENG 1023 English 4 English Literary Masterpieces ENG 2043 Stacey Short Microeconomics Principals of Microeconomics ECO 1013 Bryan Beene Statistics Elementary Statistics II MATH 1713 Phyllis Clark US History 1865 to Present History of the United States, 1865 to the Present HIST 1023 Sharon Romero US Government US National Government GOV 2013
Application Process for Dual Credit Complete the ApplyTexas Freshman application, found at http://www.applytexas.org/. A $50 non-refundable application fee (can be done online with ApplyTexas application or mail to TWU, Office of Admissions Processing, PO Box 425649, Denton, TX 76204-5589). Submit official TSI scores OR the Score Release Form (pdf) to the Office of Admissions Processing to give TWU permission to retrieve official TSI scores from other in-state colleges and universities. Students must return the completed Dual Credit Permission Form to a high school counselor. A recent Official High School Transcript. View our Online Checklist
Deadlines Submit Permission Form by May 15th to Mrs. Bigbee Registration for classes will take place in August Registration for courses is completed online via your TWU Portal Payments must be made prior to the August early registration deadline
Questions About Dual Credit Application Documents? Contact the Office of Admissions Processing (OAP) to check on: Application materials received? Application Status? All documents/items will be submitted directly to OAP Office of Admissions Processing P.O. Box 425649 Denton, TX 76204 oap@twu.edu 940-898-3076
Questions on TSI Exemptions & College Ready Scores? Contact the Assessment & Testing Office: Questions on college ready scores Did we receive your TSI scores? Have scores been entered? Assessment and Testing Office P.O. Box 425468 Denton, TX 76204 testing1@twu.edu 940-898-2961
Our website has more information on: Visit our Website Our website has more information on: Registration Application Instructions FAQ’s https://twu.edu/dual-credit/