Agenda (for me) Vocab Intro to Unit 9 Vote Discuss “Struggle” photos


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda (for me) Vocab Intro to Unit 9 Vote Discuss “Struggle” photos Grey’s Anatomy episode (future Soc Seminar topic) HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography

Reminders – 10-31-18 – 2nd Block ATSS Reading – next discussion will be Monday (Be sure you have read through Chapter 40 by then – no excuses!) Vocab Unit 9 Pic Quiz Friday, 11/2 Full Quiz, Friday, 11/9 You should have your ATSS novel AND your short story with you every day! HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography

Reminders – 10-31-18 – 4th Block ATSS Reading – next discussion will be Monday (Be sure you have read through Chapter 40 by then – no excuses!) Vocab Unit 9 Pic Quiz Friday, 11/2 Full Quiz, Friday, 11/9 You should have your ATSS novel AND your short story with you every day! HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography

2nd Block: Where do I share my HW Photo

4th Block: Where do I share my HW Photo

Vocab Unit 9 VOTE

Grey’s Anatomy As you watch the episode, use the guided prompts on the handout to make notes. Also, consider the following questions…you will see these questions again… What is the importance of speaking the truth in the face of adversity? To what extent are we responsible for our fellow humans?