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A representative beginning? From the 2000 Census Iowa New Hampshire National average Population 2,929,324 (30th) 1,235,786 (41st) 281,421,906 % White 93.9% 96% 75.1% Median income $39,469 $49,467 $41,994 % Farm employmt 4.4% .9% 1.9%
Number of States Holding Primary Elections
Number of states holding primary elections
Percent of Party Convention Delegates Chosen by Primaries
Number of Convention Ballots to Select the Presidential Nominee
McGovern Fraser Commission: Changes to Democratic Party Rules Anti-discrimination provisions Explicit party rules and open party meetings Bans the UNIT RULE Unit rule: the practice of apportioning delegates in a winner-take-all fashion Encourages broad and open participation in delegate selection process Mandates that minorities’ opinions be fairly weighted in delegate selection process Bans the automatic delegate-status of party officials and elected officeholders
Percent of Party Convention Delegates Chosen by Primaries