Watching Wildlife
Watching wildlife can be an exciting hobby Watching wildlife can be an exciting hobby! Maybe you have seen baby birds in a nest. Perhaps you have seen a squirrel gathering nuts.
Seeing and learning about wildlife requires good observation skills Seeing and learning about wildlife requires good observation skills. Excellent observers look for clues that animals may leave behind.
What kinds of clues might these animals leave behind? a skunk a bear an owl
There is wildlife everywhere There is wildlife everywhere. You just need to go outside and practice your observing skills.
Look up!
Look down!
Look in the morning and in the evening.
Look for the tiniest wildlife by looking under tree bark and around the roots.
Use soft voices and step lightly. You may find clues with your ears Use soft voices and step lightly. You may find clues with your ears! Click here.
Take a notebook to draw or to write about what you see..
Take science tools with you so that you can record scientific data.
Be safe! Take an adult with you on your nature walks. Respect Nature! Don’t bother animals or their habitats. Leave the area the way you found it.
Watching Wildlife