Using the macroplanner and diary Planning to save time Using the macroplanner and diary
Diary and Calendar Life skill – writing work on due date not only on assigned date. Fill in sporting and other extramural commitments. 12 teachers in 12 venues up to a week apart!
12 teachers + Tutor + House Director and Assistants + Extra Murals over a 2 week cycle
Macroplanner Register with My Bishops Life from the Bishops website (, scroll down homepage and register. View marks of some but not all tasks. Rolling average updated at intervals.
Industry Report March 12
What can a parent do? Help your son to be organised but let HIM DO the organising. School calendar Diary House notices Macroplanner online Pink Notice ASK questions – even if he only ever says NOTHING and FINE ( if you can get him to do this is full sentences it would be great) General file
Subtle hugs….. and just enjoy him. What can a parent do? All clothing and books labelled Subtle hugs….. and just enjoy him.