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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Co-ordination Group 8.c) Expert Group on WFD & agriculture Nicolas ROUYER European Commission, DG ENV D1 unit (water) Bruxelles, 6 May 2010

Overview presentation The Expert Group on WFD & agriculture (EG) Reminder: the new mandate 2. Last EG meeting in Seville (6-7 April) 3. Proposition of a new mandate for the EG sub-group (RB network) 4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG Quick overview on what I'm going to present. First, I will present a reminder of what has been said at the last SCG meeting about the new mandate. Second, I will present the conclusions of our last meeting in Seville. Took place on April 6-7th Third and fourth, I will focus on 2 particular points of the meeting in Seville: - the first one is about a new mandate for our RB network on agriculture - the second one is about a contribution by the Expert Group on WFD & agriculture. Slide 2 / 26

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate  Last December: new mandate endorsed by the Water Directors in Sweden Last February: meeting between the co-leaders (DG ENV, UK & FR), both 2010 EU presidencies, DG AGRI & JRC: to have a common understanding of the mandate to organize a coherent implementation to take into account the limited resources we have Slide 3 / 26 3

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate Issues listed in the mandate: agricultural measures in RBMP water pricing in agriculture update of the catalogue of measures cost-effectiveness of measures acceptance of the measures water saving options for agriculture combination between WFD & CAP next CAP reform water saving policy options & water saving culture climate change & agriculture Farm Advisory System & water Marine Strategy Framework Directive & agriculture Slide 4 / 26 4

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate Available resources: co-leaders (DG ENV, UK and France) DG AGRI River Basin network on agriculture led by the JRC Our consultant EG Members (MS and stakeholders) EU Presidencies of the Council meetings twice a year conferences once a year workshops assessments led by the Commission CIRCA next EC Webpage dedicated to agriculture & water Slide 5 / 26 5

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate 4 general objectives identified in the mandate: To support the implementation of agricultural aspects in the context of the WFD To identify obstacles and constraints related to agricultural issues in the context of the WFD To address the identified obstacles and constraints by developing solutions To provide input to the CAP reform To provide a link to farmers organizations and other interest groups Slide 6 / 26 6

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate Objectives & deliverables for 2010 (1/2): Identification of agricultural measures in the RBMP New mandate for the River Basin network Achievement of a farm advisory handbook on water Discussion over a possible study on water pricing in agriculture Discussion over a possible study on water saving options in agriculture Slide 7 / 26 7

1. Reminder: the EG new mandate Objectives & deliverables for 2010 (2/2): Feedback from the conference on buffer strips Exchange on RD Art 38 implementing rules Debate on the combination between Rural Development measures & programmes of measures Debate on CAP reform and ideas to consider for water protection Conference in Belgium on « enforcement of EU water policies in agriculture » Slide 8 / 26 8

2. Last EG meeting in Seville Joint meeting between the EG and its sub-group (« pilot RB network on agriculture ») Field visit in the Guadalquivir river basin Around 100 participants / 20 Members-States The main idea of the meeting was to have a joint meeting between the EG and its sub-group which is the RB network on agriculture: - to make some networking, to exchange ideas, - to prepare the new mandate of the RB network, - to beneficiate from the PRB field trip because behind all our debates, there is something, which is reality. The filed trip was dedicated to the lower Guadalquivir area. The objective was to show an area where irrigation had been modernized. Slide 9 / 26 9

2. Last EG meeting in Seville Points addressed: Presentation of new mandate & state of play of WFD implementation (DG ENV) Free feedback on WFD implementation from 2 Member-States (UK & DK) Rural Development article 38 implementing rules (DG AGRI) - interactive: feedback from 2 MS Both MS presented their approach in devising and implementing WFD measures related to agriculture. The approaches are different in terms of mandatory/voluntary action, measures compensated, resources mobilized. Based on the presentation participants discussed the differences in implementation and the effects of these differences on farmers income.  Objective of the EG - implementation of art 38 which is a big deal for agriculture and water protection Compensation for the additional costs and income foregone resulting from the disadvantages introduced by the WFD Article 38 does not cover voluntary measures Article 38 does not cover investments related operations Slide 10 / 26 10

2. Last EG meeting in Seville Points addressed: Report on agri measures in draft RBMP (DG ENV/consultant) Endorsement of the farm advisory handbook on water (DG ENV/consultant) Report on water use for agriculture (EEA) WssTP conference on buffer strips (COPA-COGECA) - assessment of agri measures The outcome of the study was presented to the group, highlighting the main agricultural pressures, approaches and measures selected in the draft RBMP in the context of agriculture. SE, DE, RO and IT made some corrections to the assessment presented. The deadline for further comments was set to the 16th of April 2010. The report will be available on CIRCA by the end of the month.  Objective of the EG - presentation of the farm advisory handbook on water We had a workshop on farm advisory and water protection organized by DG ENV last October in Brussels. The idea was to develop a handbook of ideas for administrations about integrating water issues in farm advisory services. All the Expert Group members have contributed to the handbook. The final handbook was presented in Seville and endorsed by the EG. It will ne translated into all EU languages. - agri water use in agriculture The EEA presented the main results from a report on water abstraction in Europe. We can hear many different figures about that. According to the EEA, abstraction of water for irrigation accounts for 24% of total water abstraction in Europe but can be up to 80% in some southern Member-States. Moreover, unlike other sectors like energy production, the majority of the water abstracted is consumed and not returned to the water bodies (c. 70% according to the EEA). - feedback from the conference on BS In February, a workshop on “Buffer Strips and Buffer Zones – Targeting Water Quality” has been hosted by EUREAU and COPA-COGECA under the umbrella of the Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform. Examples of adapted management practices using new technologies to reduce pesticide as well as nutrients inputs have been presented. The main outcomes where presented to the EG. Slide 11 / 26 11

2. Last EG meeting in Seville Two last points, to be discussed further today: New mandate for the River Basin network on WFD & agriculture EG keynote on post 2013 PAC & water protection Slide 12 / 26 12

2. Last EG meeting in Seville About the mandate: Adapting to a moving context (water pricing, CAP) But 2010 objectives will be achieved To conclude with the mandate We have to adapt the mandate to a moving context: - about water pricing  we have to take into consideration that there is an OECD publication We may address this issue through the RB network + a dedicated conference. - about CAP reform  we had the idea of studies to get ready for CAP negotiation. The timetable is accelerated by DG AGRI because of the co-decision process. Anyway DG ENV has launched a quick study to prepare financial perspective. Slide 13 / 26 13

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network Last mandate (2008-2010) objectives: Networking activity to exchange information during the preparation of the River Basin Management Plans Update of the catalogue of measures Web platform to exchange information The Pilot River Basin network is a sub-group of the Expert Group. Three objectives were set up in January 2008. First, the networking activity to exchange information during the preparation of the River Basin Management Plans. Four workshops were organised and the main topics discussed were the selection and evaluation of measures, the preparation and the implementation of RBMPs, public participation and involvement of farmers, water shortage and climate change. Fields trips completed the workshops discussions. Workshop created added-value not only for members but also for the river basin community through specific outputs like minutes, presentations and workshop documentation. Second, the network refined the catalogue of measures Third, a web platform was launched in October 2008. Objectives are threefold: communication tool (forum, working documents…), pool of information on water and agriculture Slide 14 / 26 14

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network Last mandate (2008-2010): EG to thank its sub-group for all the work achieved EG underlined the fact that the level of exchanges between the 2 groups could have been higher The discussion with the EG put forwards: EG to thank its sub-group for all the work achieved. EG underlined the fact that exchanges could have been better Slide 15 / 26 15

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network Main points to be considered for a new mandate: RBN to provide the technical support on measures to the EG EG to be closely associated to the RBN activities (stakeholders, access to the web platform) A database on agriculture measures to be created On this basis, the JRC and DG ENV submitted a draft mandate to the Expert Group last week. Slide 16 / 26 16

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network The objective of the new network is to provide practical examples/cases of good practices in RBMPs by : Evaluating the measures and enhancing the catalogue of measures (catch crops, buffer zones,…) Evaluating specific issues in the RBMPs (farmers involvement, water pricing…) The River Basin network shall support the Expert Group in its work by offering feed-back from the field and ensuring technical support. The overall objective of the network is to provide practical examples/cases of good practice in RBMPs by: Evaluating the measures and enhancing the CAOM The network will support the ongoing development and improvement of the Catalogue of Measures and, on this basis, the feeding of a more complete database on WFD agricultural measures. The database shall be used by any interested party through different adapted tools (web pages, maps, …). To achieve these objectives, the network members will evaluate measures used in their respective PoM through sharing of field experiences, case studies, and comparative studies, focussing on the 3 dimensions of the sustainable development. (- Ex-post assessment of cost and effectiveness - Financial, technical, social and legal aspects of the measures - Identification of obstacles and constraints related to the implementation of the agricultural measures (e.g. organisation and methods of implementation, acceptance and involvement of stakeholders in process, costs and effects) and how they have been addressed.) Examples of measures to be evaluated are: - Establishment of wetlands - Catch crops - Re-naturation of streams - Creation of buffer zones - Water supply and water demand control - … Short fact sheets on each measure evaluated to be distributed among RB administrators, the EG members and as direct inputs to the Catalogue of Measures and, thus, to the new database. Evaluating specific issues in the RBMPs Cases studies and examples regarding specific issues related to RBMP An indicative list of issues for the network is: - Water pricing in agriculture - Economical analysis (use of exemptions in agriculture) - Cost Effectiveness Analysis of agricultural measures - Financing the agricultural measures in the PoM - CAP link and input to the debate on the CAP reform - Farmers involvement, strategies and experiences - Protection zones for drinking water sources - Use and development of indicators to assess the progress achieved by the PoM in the agricultural sector - Interplay between the Flood Directive and flood related measures in the PoM of WFD. - Market instruments for water quotas and pollution rights trading For each issue selected by the network and dealt with in ad hoc working groups the output will be short articles and information sheets to serve as input for… Slide 17 / 26 17

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network The EG to be closely associated to the the RBN activities A database on agricultural measures to be set up Small workshops on dedicated issues + a yearly general workshop The main work will be carried out in several small working groups involving the River Basins who are interested in the same issues. A yearly workshop hosted by a network member will be arranged for all network members to share results among them and to foster mutual learning from good examples. The workshop will also serve as the opportunity for the small ad hoc working groups to come together. A field trip to see and learn the local good examples will be an integral part of the yearly workshop. Slide 18 / 26 18

3. Proposition of a new mandate for the River Basin network New mandate to be endorsed by the SCG and the Water Directors Slide 19 / 26 19

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG Context / issue: New Common Agricultural Policy to be set up in 2014 Good opportunity to integrate more water issues General consultation launched by AGRI Commissioner till June The EG has the legitimacy to provide for input The Common Agricultural Policy will be reformed for a new configuration to be operational in 2014 and determining the future of Europe’s agriculture for the second decade. This reform is an opportunity to improve environmental integration into the CAP, including in the issue of water protection. The timing is also helpful in relation to the WFD, given the close convergence of the new CAP (early 2014) with the end of the first WFD cycle and the start of the second cycle (2015-2021). To achieve the reform, the EU Commissioner for agriculture has launched a consultation on post 2013 CAP on April 12th, inviting the general public to come up with ideas and proposals for a new CAP. Slide 20 / 19 20

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG Objective: The Expert Group to provide for an input to DG AGRI consultation within the short deadline Input limited to technical aspects This paper is presenting only first ideas, which should be developed in a second paper later this year and containing more detailed proposals The SCG to take note of the keynote It is the duty of the Expert Group on WFD & agriculture to provide for feedbacks and inputs to the current reflection in this consultation process, as its members consists of representatives of the various MS and experts of the agricultural and water policies. Slide 21 / 26 21

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG Questions addressed in the keynote: 1. What has to be taken into account for an achievement of WFD goals in the agricultural sector? 2. To what extent does the current CAP enable MS and their farmers to achieve the European objectives on water protection? 3. Post 2013 CAP: what could be the best policy options to achieve WFD objectives ensuring that food production is in harmony with functioning of ecosystem and available water resources? Slide 22 / 26 22

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG 1. What has to be taken into account for an achievement of WFD goals in the agricultural sector? Sufficient funding Technically relevant measures enabled Constraints acceptable for farmers Advice sufficiently provided Measures not conflicting within the CAP Flexible implementing tool Administrative burden to be moderate for farmers & administrations … Slide 23 / 26 23

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG 2.To what extent does the current CAP enable the MS and their farmers to achieve the European objectives on water protection? Cross-compliance Rural Development (RD) Art 68 Pillar II measures Modulation Funding River basin approach vs Regional approach in the RD Abolishment of set aside … Slide 24 / 26 24

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG 3. Post 2013 CAP: what could be the best policy options to achieve WFD objectives ensuring that food production is in harmony with functioning of ecosystem and available water resources? Sufficient funding needed Remove contradictions between CAP payments Strenghtened Cross compliance Strenghtened controls More flexibility in the contracts Increase farm advice … Slide 25 / 26 25

4. Contribution to the CAP debate by the EG The SCG to take note of the Expert Group contribution to the DG AGRI debate on future CAP Source: Ouest France (Brittany, 2009) Slide 26 / 26 26