The Sign of the Beaver Novel Study Fourth Grade ELA Week Fifteen Day One The Sign of the Beaver Novel Study This session will be recorded for learning purposes. Learning purposes include: a lesson review for students who are absent, students who want to review for a test, etc. and will be distributed for learning purposes.
Our Class Norms Coaches (Teachers) Players (Students) Teach and Help Students Be Respectful Be Trustworthy Treat Students Fairly Have Fun Be On Time Encourage Students Work Together Help Students Reach Their Goals Treat others the way you want to be treated Be Nice and Respectful Be Trustworthy Be Fair Have Fun Be On Time Problem Solve Encourage Each Other Be Focused Be Brave Participate Ask students to brainstorm ideas for norms in chat and on microphone. Record all responses and then try to narrow down to about 5.
What was the best part of your Thanksgiving Break?
Daily Review
Team Read
Team Read Discuss: Why are the children so curious about Matt? RL 4.1
Team Read Discuss: What does Matt think about Attean’s village? RL 4.1, RL 4.3
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: What responsibilities do men and women have in Attean’s village? RL 4.2
Men’s Responsibilities Women’s Responsibilities Attean’s Tribe Men’s Responsibilities Women’s Responsibilities Ask students to record on whiteboard the responsibilities of men and women
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: Why didn’t Attean go on the hunt? RL 4.2 Discuss: Why do Attean’s people not have money? RL 4.9
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: What happened to Attean’s mother? RL 4.2 Discuss: Why was Attean’s mother killed? RL 4.2 Discuss: What happened to Attean’s father? RL 4.2
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: What happened to Attean’s father? RL 4.2
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: Do you think Attean’s grandfather and Matt’s father would get along? RL 4.1 Discuss: Does Saknis hate Matt and his people? What evidence can you find to support your answer? RL 4.3
Teacher Read Aloud Discuss: Do you think Matt will ever visit Attean’s village again? Why or why not? RL 4.1
Chapter 17 Comprehension Questions
Closure How did learning about Attean’s parents change Matt’s beliefs?
Homework Reread Chapter 17
Exit Ticket Complete if time allows