Log on to my.hrw.com. Your user name is ID# plus cs and PW is ID#. Bell Work Take out your Vocab 11 Worksheet homework to be checked. We will go over the answers. Pick up your outline from the table. An outline template should already be at your computer. Log on to the computers and google and open up a googledocs document to type into. Log on to my.hrw.com. Your user name is ID# plus cs and PW is ID#.
What you need to accomplish today: Type up your Essay Outline in Outline Format with complete sentences. Have a teacher check your Thesis and 1st Body Paragraph before you continue typing the rest of your outline. Make sure you are embedding quotations, in-text citing your page numbers, and using transition words. (Your pink packet has a page of transition words on the back.) Finish the Body Paragraphs first, then go back to finish the Introduction and Conclusion. Whatever you don’t finish in class, you will need to finish tonight at home because you will be submitting the outline to be graded tomorrow in class. Reminder: Vocab 11 Flashcards are due tomorrow.
Check your answers to Vocab 11 Level D Completing the sentence Proponents Recoup Relentless Staccato Quavered Rivulet Statutes Garbled Enlightened Comport Synonyms Quaver Deteriorate Statute Demure Relentless Forestall Staccato Comport Garble Depreciation 11. Concise 12. Enlightened 13. Rivulet 14. Recoup 15. Brevity 16. Squander 17. Recoil 18. Divulge 19. Reek 20. Proponent 11. Concise 12. Recoiled 13. Depreciation 14. Demure 15. Reek 16. Squander 17. Forestall 18. Brevity 19. Deteriorated 20. Divulged
Check your answers to Vocab 11 Level D Antonyms Relentless Staccato Forestall or Recoil Enlightened Reek Squander Depreciation Recoil or Forestall Deteriorate Brevity 11. Recoup 12. Concise 13. Proponent 14. Garble 15. Demure 16. Divulge
Check your answers to Vocab 11 Level E Completing the sentence Pretext Clairvoyant Superficial Integrity Alluded Fathom Stark Conclusive Protrude Guile Synonyms Misconstrue Integrity Disreputable Placid Guile Pretext Conclusive Endemic Fathom Potent 11. Superficial 12. Allude 13. Stark 14. Placate 15. Clairvoyant 16. Protrude 17. Exemplary 18. Itinerary 19. Obnoxious 20. Plagiarism 11. Misconstrued 12. Itinerary 13. Disreputable 14. Placid 15. Endemic 16. Exemplary 17. Plagiarism 18. Potent 19. Placate 20. Obnoxious
Check your answers to Vocab 11 Level E Antonyms Superficial Integrity Potent Disreputable Endemic Guile Conclusive Placate Stark Placid 11. Exemplary 12. Obnoxious 13. Clairvoyant