Brian Carr l April 11, 2011 l Project Management Institute


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Presentation transcript:

Brian Carr l April 11, 2011 l Project Management Institute The Business of Belonging Brian Carr l April 11, 2011 l Project Management Institute

How Do You Help the Environment ... Without Chafing?

Traffic and Air Quality Are Linked Half of all smog-forming emissions in metro Atlanta come from the tailpipes of cars and trucks.

$ Current Trends Influencing Region Worsening traffic congestion Growth, population $ Economic stagnation, lack of infrastructure funding Unpredictable fuel prices Tighter clean air standards

How Metro Atlantans Get to Work Source: 2010 Center for Transportation and the Environment study conducted on behalf of the Georgia Department of Transportation

2011: A Big Year for Transportation Decrease Demand? Increase Supply? New Roads? New Transit? Reduce peak travel Commute Options Flexible Work schedules Incident response Congestion Pricing

Doing More With Less? Been There Before

What if we change the way people get to work…

Bus Vanpool Carpool Less traffic Fewer tailpipes Cleaner air

What We Bring to 1,600 Employers Productivity Retention Recruitment Morale Financial Savings

We Offer Targeted Commuting Solutions to the Right Employees Map employee commutes Identify groups of employees and match with appropriate commute options Deliver special targeted messaging

Telework: A Business Strategy Primed for Growth “It’s about rethinking the concept of ‘work’ more as something that gets done versus a place that our employees go.” -- UPS HR Manager

How We Get the Attention of Commuters Losing 240 hours/year Costs 56 cents/mile Source: 2010 Center for Transportation and the Environment study conducted on behalf of the Georgia Department of Transportation

Employees Earn Incentives for Choosing Cleaner Commute Options How It Works: More than 70,000 Georgia commuters have participated since 2002. 1. Clean up your commute. 2. Log your commute. 3. Earn cash. Win prizes.

Each day in Metro Atlanta 1.4 million miles of vehicle travel eliminated 700 tons of pollution kept out of the air we breathe

Why Has This Mission Been Successful? Unconventional Thinking Balance Two Types of Relationships Creative Storytelling Culture of Continuous Improvement Sense of Belonging to Something Important

Unconventional Thinking Gets Results Voluntary actions? Tied to financial incentives? From a non-profit? 74% of commuters still using alternatives 18-24 months later.

Understanding WHEN to Invest in WHICH Activities to Build Relationships TRANSACTIONAL RELATIONAL Pay for Services Vendor/Customer “Give/Get” Share Ownership Partners “Participate/Feel”

Who Else Embraces This Idea?

Tell Better Stories

Always Carry a Measuring Stick … And Measure What Others Care About Vehicle miles of travel reduced Pollution not emitted Financial savings on commute costs What can you track and report? How can you make others feel invested?