Achievement Attendance Discipline School Quality Thomasville High School Promoting Life-Long Learning in the 21st Century 2017 Achievement Attendance Discipline School Quality Thomasville City Schools
ACT ASPIRE 2017 62% 33% 23% 19% 25% 32% 3% 7% 22% 67% 38% 8% 34% 27% GRADE 10 NAT’L AVG EXCEEDING READY CLOSE NEED SUPP ENGLISH (95) 62% 33% 23% 19% 25% MATH 32% 3% 7% 22% 67% READING 38% 8% 34% 27% 31% SCIENCE 11% 13% 54% WRITING (94) 52% 2% 66% 5%
ACT Aspire – Longitudinal Data GRADE 10 10th Grade 2016 2017 Gain/Loss % READY ENGLISH 60% 56% -4 READING 39% 42% +3 WRITING 53% 68% +15 SCIENCE 26% 24% -2 MATH 13% 10% -3 * READY = EXCEEDING+READY
ACT + WRITING GRADE 11 ENGLISH MATH READING SCIENCE COMPOSITE 2013 GRAD YR DISTRICT STATE 2013 18.6 20.5 17.5 19.5 19.7 21.0 18.3 20.2 18.7 20.4 2014 18.2 20.7 21.3 20.6 2015 16.8 18.8 16.7 18.4 17.9 17.1 19.1 17.2 2016 17.8 2017 16.9 18.5 18.9 18.1
Indicators of Readiness CREDIT-BEARING COLLEGE COURSE ACT BENCHMARK SCORE ENGLISH COMPOSITION 18 on ACT ENGLISH TEST COLLEGE ALGEBRA 22 on ACT MATH TEST SOCIAL SCIENCE 22 on ACT READING TEST BIOLOGY 23 on ACT SCIENCE TEST *Indicates a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses
Percent of Students Who Met College Readiness Benchmarks
Average ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity
Reading for Information WorkKeys 2016-2017 GRADE 12 Total Tested: 116 % Proficient: 51% Areas of Weakness: Locating Information Applied Math Areas Tested: Reading for Information Applied Mathematics ACT WorkKeys assessments measure the cognitive and non-cognitive skills needed for success in the workforce. They have been used for more than two decades by job seekers, employees, employers, students, educators, administrators, and workforce and economic developers.
Attendance and Discipline Data
Attendance Data 9-Month Attendance Report 2016-2017
Discipline Data SIR Report 2016-2017
School Quality Data
Domain: Teaching and Learning Impact The External Review Team examined: Student performance results Instructional quality Learner and family engagement Support services for student learning Curriculum quality and efficacy College and career readiness data Notes The Teaching and Learning Domain is comprised of all of the Indicators for Standard 3 – Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Standard 5 – Continuous Improvement, and four Evaluative Criteria for the Student Performance Diagnostic. © 2016 AdvancED®
Results: Teaching & Learning Impact Learning Environments External Review AEN * 1 Equitable Learning Environment 3.91 2.69 2 High Expectations Environment 2.94 2.80 3 Supportive Learning Environment 3.21 3.05 4 Active Learning Environment 3.36 2.93 5 Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment 2.76 6 Well-Managed Learning Environment 3.29 3.12 7 Digital Learning Environment 2.12 1.86 eleot® *AdvancED Network
Other Domains: Leadership Capacity and Resource Utilization The External Review Team examined: Institutional purpose and direction Governance and leadership effectiveness Stakeholder engagement Improvement capacity Results Allocation and use of resources Equity of resource distribution to need Level and sustainability of resources Long range capital and resource planning effectiveness
External Review IEQ Score Domain IEQ Results Index of Educational Quality External Review IEQ Score AE Network Average Overall Score 270.73 278.94 Teaching and Learning Impact 254.29 268.48 Leadership Capacity 290.00 293.71 Resource Utilization 285.00 286.27 TCS Needs Assessment