Title Layout Subtitle
11/8 Bear Time: Argument Journal Bingo Choose a prompt from your argument journal prompt bingo sheet. Respond by writing for the entire time limit. Say as much as you can. Do not stop writing. Make sure you mark out the prompts as you use them.
11/8 Mini – Lesson : Naming Detail Sentences Create another Anchor Chart for Naming Detail Sentences Naming Detail Sentences
11/8 Develop TEN (10) Monster Questions You are coming up with questions only, please. Like, a list. In your notebook.
11/9 Bear Time: Argument Journal Bingo Choose a prompt from your argument journal prompt bingo sheet. Respond by writing for the entire time limit. Say as much as you can. Do not stop writing. Make sure you mark out the prompts as you use them.
11/9 For Today: I will do my best in spite of my flaws Add five more questions to your list.
11/10/17 Bear Time Free Write Friday: Follow your Free Write Rules. Don’t stop writing. Words. The whole time. Thoughts. Feelings. Everything.
11/10 Narrative CR Practice on a Notecard Write a narrative from the perspective of someone accused of a crime. Include multiple characters such as lawyers, politicians, judges, friends and family. Your narrator may be innocent or guilty that is up to you.