Mrs. Bruckner Be Sun Safe!
What do you do in the sun? What do all these pictures have in common?
True or False? You can get sun-burned on a cloudy day. Dark skin people can’t get skin damage/cancer. You can get sun exposure through the car window. You can get sun exposure while skiing on a mountain.
Answers You can get sun-burned on a cloudy day. TRUE Dark skin people can’t get skin damage/cancer. FALSE You can get sun exposure through the car window. TRUE You can get sun exposure while skiing on a mountain. TRUE
Your best friend or your worst nightmare??!!?? The SUN…. Your best friend or your worst nightmare??!!?? Benefits Vs. Risks Energy Sunburn Vitamin D Cancer Warmth Wrinkles Growth Eye Damage Recreational fun Immune suppression
UVA vs UVB There are two main types of rays the sun gives off. UVA= WRINKLES! UVB = CANCER AND SUNBURNS SUN= CARCINOGEN Melanoma= Skin Cancer Melanoma is the most common form of cancer ages 25-29.
Skin Cancer Facts One blistering sunburn in childhood more than doubles a person's chances of developing melanoma later in life. A person's risk for melanoma also doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns at any age. Dermatologists (skin doctors) say you should wear sunscreen everyday, even in the winter. If you have a mole that changes color or increases in size, see a dermatologist right away! It could be sign of skin cancer.
Check moles by using the ABCs of skin cancer Asymmetry means that one half of the mole does not match the other half. Border means an irregular or non-circular shape of a mole. Color means the mole has multiple colors or is very dark compared to other moles on the body. Diameter can mean an increase in the size of the mole or a large existing mole.
How do we measure UV radiation levels? We use the UV Index Scale. The weather channel and many radio stations will tell you what the UV index is each day. 11+ 10 9 8 7 6 If the index is 5-6 or higher, be extra careful. 5 4 The UV Index is a prediction (based on a mathematical equation of the UV level at noon. It can be used as a tool (much like a thermometer is a tool for temperature) for reminding people how to protect themselves from overexposure to UV radiation. The higher the UV Index level, the greater the possibility of damage to the skin and eyes in less time. Ask students to think back to the pictures of people being SunWise you used when asking them to form a definition. What were some of the ways that people were taking special care to protect themselves from the UV radiation levels? Students should remember the use of sunglasses, wide brimmed hats and clothing. 3 2 1 UV Introduction index
SPF Sun block does EXPIRE! “Water-resistant” sun block is not permanent. It needs to be reapplied often. Wear a sunscreen with an SPF with at least 15.
AHHHH…. TANNING BEDS!! The use of tanning beds increases a person's cancer risk by 75% if used before the age of 30. UVA intensity from tanning beds is 15xs stronger than the midday sun.
Laws against Tanning beds The WHO (world health organization) has declared tanning beds a carcinogen. In Suffolk county (where we live) you can not go to a tanning bed under 14 without your parents permission.
But I like being TAN! It looks good! Wear makeup. Use tanning lotions like Jergens or Dove. Get a spray tan.
How Can You Become Sun Safe? Again ask students to think about the definition of SunWise that they formed at the start of the lesson. Tell them that you will now go over some specific ways to become SunWise.
Sun Safety Action Steps Seek shade between 10am- 4pm Slide on Sunglasses Slither into the Shade Slop on Sunscreen Slap on a shirt or a rashguard Steer clear of tanning beds As you read and review each Action Step with the students ask them to think of the action steps that are part of their routine. Surely watch the UV Index Slip on a hat Health Effects SunWise
Vocabulary Words Do you know what all these words mean? Now is the time to check. Add them to your vocabulary list Recreational Immune suppression Melanoma Dermatologists Radiation UV index scale
Project Task Create a poster showing at least 5 of the 8 sun safety steps. Paper can not be bigger than a regular 81/2 x 11. Color must be used. Your name must be on the BACK of the paper.