Friday, January 30th, and Monday, February 2nd American Literature S2 & 3 Grammar - Vocabulary Unit 7 – four fold vocab for the first 10 words Discuss and turn in reading questions for chapters 11 and 12 Naan and Hummus Read Chapter 13 and 14 (What is not read in class is homework)
Unit 7: 1.Abhor - to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply 2.Amend - to change in a formal way; to change for the better 3.Buffet - to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one’s way with difficulty; a slap, blow 4.Chaos - great confusion, disorder 5.Commodious - roomy, spacious 6.Corrosive - eating away gradually, acid like; bitterly sarcastic 7.Discern - to see clearly, recognize 8.Extant - still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost 9.Implicate - to involve in; to connect with or be related to 10.Inter - to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion
Islamic Tile Design
For Muslim artists, colors symbolized cultural values, states of mind or emotion, and elements. Red = Fire Yellow = Air Green = Water (also, green is thought to be the prophet Muhammad’s favorite color, and therefore a favorite among Muslims) Blue = Earth Color & Symbolism Zahhak Enthroned with the Two Daughters of Jamshid, Page from a Manuscript of the Shahnama (Book of Kings) Greater Iran, Bukhara, Circa 1615. Available at
Project! Using one of the tile patterns, create your own piece of a mosaic mural. Think carefully about which tile you would like to use and what colors you will include. As each person completes his or her tile, we will combine them to create a class mosaic. These mosaic panels will be arranged to create an entryway for this classroom and our continuing study of The Kite Runner and our upcoming book, Persepolis.