Wednesday 3/22/17 Notebook Entry: What are strategies you use to help you when you are writing?
A Scientific Argument is… Persuasive = cause someone to be certain of something through reasoning and evidence. Clearly organized = use of topic sentence, paragraph structure, sentence structure, transition words Clear on connection between claim and evidence = full explanation, flow of explanation Writing that contains science ideas that are accurate = made up explanations; not scientific facts, hypotheses or theories Writing arguments is the way that scientists clarify and strengthen their thinking and communicate their ideas to others.
Why does the Atacama Desert get so little precipitation? Scientific Question Why does the Atacama Desert get so little precipitation? Your job is to clearly explain how your claim about the Atacama Desert is connected to and supported by the evidence. You should explain all the evidence clearly and logically so that someone reading your argument, who has not seen the data and heard our discussion, would understand why the evidence you included is important. Review your data analysis notes (if you worked with a partner review together). You will have about 5 minutes to do this. Everyone writes their own argument. One person use the copy in the packet. The other person will get another copy. We will be working today and tomorrow. Due by end of class tomorrow.
Evidence Card C: Rain Shadow Effect
Possible Claims…or revise to create your own Claim #1: Prevailing winds on the Pacific coast cause extremely low precipitation in the Atacama Desert. Claim #2: The location of mountain ranges causes extremely low precipitation in the Atacama Desert. Claim #3: Surface temperatures of the ocean cause extremely low precipitation in the Atacama Desert. These claims related to 3 factors that scientists know can influence weather and could affect patterns of low precipitation.
Writing your Argument READ THE RUBRIC – what are you expected to included THINK before writing- write down ideas/thoughts in your spiral WRITE on the piece of paper I gave you, if that is not enough space go to a lined piece of paper and staple together. Reread what your wrote. Even reading out loud to yourself helps you hear errors. EDIT before turning in. Due by the end of the period. If you finish early read quietly or work on other homework.