Assessment and Weeding as Part of a Major Renovation Project Never Underestimate the Importance of Planning May 30, 2018 Cynthia Holt CAUL-CBUA Manager
Genesis of the Project Concordia University in Montreal Two libraries in the same city – downtown and suburb Major renovation of the downtown campus library Collection Services staff recently re- located to the suburban campus library “Weeding for Space”
Guiding Principles – It Matters How You Frame It Responsible stewardship of the collection Culture of assessment Clear decision-making criteria developed through user consultation Sub-projects, by specific formats Consultation with user communities Unification of divided collections across both campuses Ease of access Accuracy of our catalog Re-Use and recycle – potential $$ to put into project
Plan, Plan, Plan, and Plan Some More Project Charter Timelines – period, sequence, concurrencies, staffing, ownership, deliverables Resource needs Training Data-based decisions Communication
Project Charter The “Big Picture” Why are we doing this? Scope - creep Needs Impact Scope - creep Deliverables Dependencies - construction Top-Level Timeline Assumptions, Constraints, and Risks (mitigation) Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholders – communication and consultation
200. Sub-Project Plans and Timelines Task Deliverables Completion Date Responsibility Resources Needed Comments 200. Sub-Project Plans and Timelines 201 – Develop the project charter and timeline template Create a project charter template and timeline document July 2013 D. Trump Completed 202 – Project management meetings Meeting schedule distributed September 2013 first meeting C. Holt Meeting room In Progress 203 – Provide project management training for coordinators Workshop on project management Mid-October 2013 C. Holt/D. Trump Classroom 204 – Introduce project charters and timeline template to coordinators Meeting to discuss project charters and timelines
500. Sub-Project Implementation Timelines cont. 500. Sub-Project Implementation 501 - Theses For details, click on link above. Digitization of remaining theses. Decision on disposition of print copies. Spring 2015 C. Holt/B. Cheese W. Wilson Discussion with Records Management & Archives as to a transfer of mandate for these theses 502 – Reference & Indexes Reduction of Webster on-site collection to 2,100 linear feet Elimination of separate Webster on-site collection and integration of remaining indexes into Webster Reference collection June 2015 D. Trump/D. Liver In Progress 503 - Standards Criteria for maintaining a zero-space growth collection A.O. Kay 506 – Monographs Reduction of Webster on-site collection to 45,000 linear feet June 2016 D. Trump/B. Obama Supernumerary and Collection Services staff
Monographs Preliminary Tasks Four iterations Measurement Inventory Data gathering Four iterations Duplicates Superseded editions Print/Ebook Packages Discipline specific – possible last copy Re-measurement and final inventory
Training Managers Staff Project management platform Project management skills Documentation – Timelines, Communication Plans, Templates, Versioning, Naming Guidelines Staff Procedures
Resource Needs Staffing Space Stuff Time Internal – Who, when, where External – Institutional, Companies Labour relations Space Workspace Storage – term, location, access, timing Stuff Equipment Health & Safety Time
Data-based Decisions Library Mission and Vision Mining your ILS Bibliographic and circulation information such as total number of checkouts, number of copies, location of copies, status of copies etc. Duplication elsewhere – digital, archives, other libraries in the city, etc.
Communication – There’s No Such Thing as Too Much