Bradley Skinner December19th 2013 Period 1B AP Vocabulary Bradley Skinner December19th 2013 Period 1B
Deplore [dih-plawr] Verb Deplored, deploring Definition – To feel or express strong disapproval. The teacher strongly deplore Sentence – Protestors commonly create signs to deplore what they don’t like. Good way to remember – Deplore is to disapprove.
Incongruous [in-kong-groo-uh s] Adjective Incongruously, incongruousness Definition – Out of place. Sentence – The lonely incongruous duck was surrounded by evil geese. Good way to remember – Incongruous is inconsistent, out of place.
Disenfranchise [dis-en-fran-chahyz] Verb Disenfranchisement Definition- To deprive someone the right to vote. Job losses exacerbate the situation for homeowners with risky mortgages. Sentence - Slaves were disenfranchised in the United States. Good way to remember – Disenfranchise is to be disapproved to vote.
Enumeration [ih-noo-muh-rey-shuhn] Noun Enumerate, enumerable Definition – A numbered list. The political campaign featured the same hackneyed examples of patriotic rhetoric. Sentence- The man wrote an enumeration on what to do. Good way to remember – eNUMeration is a NUMbered list.
Insensate [in-sen-seyt] Adjective Insensately, insensateness Definition – Lacking physical sensation. Sentence- Robots are insensate as they are incapable of feeling. Good way to remember – InSENSATe is lacking SENSATion.