Brîff 7 Munud - Trefniadau Diogelu Rhag Colli Rhyddid DOLS - 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? 1. WHAT IS IT? Mae Erthygl 5 y Confensiwn Ewropeaidd ar Hawliau Dynol yn ceisio atal pobl rhag colli eu rhyddid yn fympwyol neu heb gyfiawnhad. Er mwyn bodloni gofynion y gyfraith, mae’n rhaid i drefniadau cadw pobl dan gadwad fod yn “unol â gweithdrefn a ragnodir gan gyfraith” ac o ganlyniad mae Trefniadau Diogelu Rhag Colli Rhyddid (DOLS) wedi eu cyflwyno; ynghyd â Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005. Article 5 of the European Convention of Human Rights has the intention of preventing arbitrary or unjustified deprivations of liberty. In order to meet the requirement of lawfulness, detention must be “in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law” and as a result the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) have been introduced; in conjunction with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
2. BETH YDYW ? 2. WHAT IS IT? Mae’r prawf galluedd yn ddeublyg. 1) A oes gan y person nam ar y meddwl neu’r ymennydd? 2) Os felly, a yw’r nam yn golygu nad yw’r person yn gallu gwneud y penderfyniad dan sylw ar yr adeg y mae’n rhaid ei wneud? Er mwyn gwneud penderfyniad mae’n rhaid i berson fod yn gallu deall beth yw’r penderfyniad a pham bod angen ei wneud, cofio’r wybodaeth digon hir i wneud y penderfyniad, gallu ystyried manteision ac anfanteision y penderfyniad ac yna cyfathrebu eu dymuniadau. The test for capacity is two-fold. 1) Does the person have an impairment of the mind or brain? 2) If so, does that impairment mean that the person is unable to make the decision in question at the time it needs to be made? In order to make a decision, a person must be able to generally understand what the decision is and why it needs to be made, remember the information long enough to make the decision, be able to consider the pros and cons of the decision and then communicate their wishes.
3. BETH YDYW? 3. WHAT IS IT? Mae person heb y gallu i gydsynio â’u gofal/triniaeth wedi colli eu rhyddid: 1) pan fyddant dan oruchwyliaeth a rheolaeth barhaus 2)pan nad oes ganddynt y rhyddid i adael 3) pan fo’r wlad yn gyfrifol am eu trefniadau gofal. The person who lacks capacity to consent to their care/treatment is deprived of their liberty where they are: 1) under continuous supervision and control and 2) is not free to leave, and 3) their care arrangements are the responsibility of the state.
4. CYDNABYDDIAETH 4. RECOGNITION Enghreifftiau o arferion gofal cyfyngol: Defnyddio cloeon neu fysellbad sy’n atal person rhag mynd i ardaloedd gwahanol mewn adeilad. Defnyddio rhai mathau o feddyginiaeth, e.e. i dawelu person. Mynnu bod person yn cael ei oruchwylio’r tu allan. Atal person yn gorfforol rhag gwneud rhywbeth a all achosi niwed iddo. Dal person fel bod modd iddo dderbyn gofal, cefnogaeth neu driniaeth. Defnyddio rheiliau gwely, strapiau cadwir olwyn, rhwystrau mewn cerbyd a sblintiau. Examples of restrictive care practices: Using locks or key pads which stop a person going out or into different areas of a building. The use of some medication, for example, to calm a person. Requiring a person to be supervised outside. Physically preventing a person from doing something which could cause them harm. Holding a person so that they can be given care, support or treatment Bedrails, wheelchair straps, restraints in a vehicle, and splints
5. MATERION ALLWEDDOL 5. KEY ISSUES Where the support provided in order to protect the person from harm may restrict their freedom to the point where they may be deprived of their liberty an “authorisation” must be in place, to make sure that the care provided is lawful. A care home or hospital can apply to the Local Authority up to 28 days in advance of when they feel the care provided is likely to deprive the person of their liberty, by requesting a standard authorisation. In some circumstances, care homes and hospitals can issue themselves an urgent authorisation lasting up to 7 days. This must be sent to the Local Authority along with a request for a standard authorisation. Pan fo’r gefnogaeth a ddarperir er mwyn diogelu person rhag niwed yn cyfyngu ar ryddid y person hyd nes mae wedi colli ei ryddid, mae’n rhaid derbyn “awdurdodiad” i wneud yn siŵr bod y gofal a ddarperir yn gyfreithlon. Gall cartref gofal neu ysbyty wneud cais i’r Awdurdod Lleol hyd at 28 diwrnod cyn y mae’r gofal a ddarperir yn debygol o amddifadu’r person o’i ryddid, drwy wneud cais am awdurdodiad safonol. Dan rai amgylchiadau, gall cartrefi gofal ac ysbytai gyhoeddi awdurdodiad brys eu hunain sy’n para hyd at 7 niwrnod. Mae’n rhaid i’r awdurdodiad hwn gael ei anfon i’r Awdurdod Lleol, ynghyd â chais am awdurdodiad safonol.
6. SUT I YMATEB 6. HOW TO RESPOND Commonly used terms: Managing Authority = The care home or hospital Supervisory Body = the Local Authority DOLS = Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards MCA = Mental Capacity Act Termau a ddefnyddir yn aml: Awdurdod Rheoli = y cartref gofal neu’r ysbyty Corff Goruchwylio = yr Awdurdod Lleol DOLS = Trefniadau Diogelu Rhag Colli Rhyddid MCA = Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol
7. GWEITHREDU 7. ACTION Ar gyfer ymholiadau neu geisiadau Trefniadau Diogelu Rhag Colli Rhydid, cysylltwch â Chydlynydd DOLS yr Awdurdod Lleol Ewch i wefan Bwrdd Diogelu Gogledd Cymru i gael manylion cyswllt pob awdurdod lleol yng ngogledd Cymru – www.bwrdddiogelugogleddcymr For queries or DOLS requests contact the Local Authority DOLS Coordinator Please visit the NWSB website to find contact details of each Local Authority in North Wales – www.northwalessafeguardingboa