CONTINUITY for a Sustainable CEOS Established in 1984 under G7 auspices, CEOS has evolved from a “chatting society” to become the focal point for coordination of space-based Earth observations and key contributor to GEOSS and GCOS. CEOS is currently being refocused through a Self Study. Points for discussion re Continuity for a Sustainable CEOS topic: Will CEOS Agencies continue to step up to “take their turn” in providing leadership for Plenary, SIT, WGs, VCs, CEO/DCEO, other CEOS activities? How can seamless leadership transitions be assured? How can viable CEOS Agency involvement in WGs, VCs, ad hoc initiatives be achieved? How will CEOS Agencies deal with the plethora and ever increasing number of CEOS (and GEO) Work Plan/Plenary/SIT actions they are asked to address? The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites was established in 1984 under the auspices of the G-7 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations, and it is the focal point for international coordination of space-related Earth Observation (EO) activities. Its goal is to optimize the benefits of EO through cooperation of members in mission planning and in development of compatible data products, formats, services, applications, and policies. CEOS operates through best efforts of Members and Associates via voluntary contributions. Currently, CEOS has 30 Members (Space Agencies) and 22 Associates (UN Agencies, Phase A programs or supporting ground facility programs). Continuity (e.g., level of engagement by CEOS Agencies with regard to participation in key CEOS, including Plenary, SIT, WG, VC, other activities of interest, including ability to “take their turn” in assuming leadership roles in CEOS, contributing/supporting staff to lead CEOS functions; focus also on how continuity of CEOS itself can be assured in terms of maintaining seamless leadership turnovers for CEOS Chair, SIT Chair, CEO/DCEO, WG Chairs/Vice-Chairs, VC Co-Leads, etc. and thus being able to stay on schedule in relation to its established priorities in support of the GEOSS, GCOS, etc.)