Bill Martin Linda Kalnejais Mike Bothner Contaminant Metals in Boston Harbor: Processes Influencing long-term fate Bill Martin Linda Kalnejais Mike Bothner
Study Site:Hingham Bay 2000 - 2008
Ag, Pb, and Cu: 1980 - 2002
Cu, Ag, and Pb All are associated with organic matter : Cu > Ag, Pb All form stable complexes and sparingly soluble solid phases with S(-II) All coprecipitate with / sorb to Fe oxides : Pb > Ag, Cu
Depth Distributions of Sedimentary Processes Hingham Bay Site (not to scale)
Data Treatment: Averaged and smoothed profiles
Fe and S cycling Winter
Fe and S cycling Summer
Late Summer / Early Fall Fe and S cycling Late Summer / Early Fall
Trace Metal Cycling: Cu - Winter
Trace Metal Cycling: Cu - Summer
Trace Metal Cycling: Cu - Late summer
Compare: Cu and Ag
Compare: Cu and Pb
The sedimentary environment
Sediment Resuspension: Experimental Setup
Sediment Resuspension: Mass resuspended vs. bottom stress
Solid Phase Metals
Dissolved metals
Longer-term release from resuspended particles Incubations: Filled : particle incubations Open: filtered controls
Bottom stress at the Hingham Bay Site
Including Sediment-Seawater exchange in the budget for Cu in Boston Harbor
Conclusions Remobilization of contaminant metals, deposited earlier, may be a significant source of metals to Boston Harbor. Ongoing work: Complete analyses and interpretation of Boston Harbor and Mass Bay experiments. To date: Kalnejais (2005) - PhD Thesis (and presentations at AGU, ASLO, GSA) Oates (2008) MS Thesis Morford et al. (2007) Kalnejais et al. (2007) Martin and Kalnejais (2007) Future work: Update and extend contaminant metal budgets for Boston Harbor Determine distributions of particulate metals in Mass. Bay - especially after important resuspension events