Modification Proposal 0283


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Presentation transcript:

Modification Proposal 0283 Chris Warner / Phil Lucas

Matters Raised at UNC Modification Panel (18 March 2010)

G5.2.4(b) – Prevailing Supply Point Capacity at New Supply Points Outside the Capacity Reduction Period (February to September inclusive) Registered Capacity cannot be reduced below the prevailing level G5.2.4 determines how the prevailing value is determined for New Supply Points (G2.2.2) Any Proposed Supply Point where all of the Supply Meter Points (comprised in the existing Supply Point) are not comprised in the Proposed Supply Point New Supply Meter Points (G7.1.1(a)), and New configurations – aggregations/dis-aggregations For new configurations Existing provisions use Bottom Stop SOQ in the formula for determination of individual Supply Meter Point level prevailing capacity

Illustration – Dis-aggregation (Current Regime)

Illustration – Dis-aggregation (Proposed Regime)