What we are doing in math We are learning about making and identifying small groups. You can help your child at home by asking to find things around the house that are in groups of two. For example, a pair of shoes, two eyes, or two chairs. Go as high as you can, and have fun! Hello parents and families, Many parents have asked me if there will be any paper and pencil homework for their child. The homework provided is two parts. One part is the homework calendar that has already gone home. This is an opportunity to talk to your child about what is going on in school and connect with them about their day and what they are learning. The second is a read everyday folder that has not been sent home yet. Beginning next week, your child will be bringing home a folder with a book. Please read the book every night and then sign the paper attached. It is important that the students are read to every night to create a love of reading and books. Thank you for your support and as always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions Mrs. Truesdale Happy Birthday! Tremari- October 12 Madisyn- October 22 If you are going to bring in a treat to share, there are 16 children in the classroom. Also, no nuts please! What we are doing in ELA We are working on the letters A-F this month. We are also learning about families, so please talk to your child about who is in your family! As always, please read a book every night, to help the children grow a love for reading!