Progress report Working Group D - Reporting SCG meeting 14-15 May 2008 Unit D.2 Water and the Marine - WFD Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress report Working Group D - Reporting SCG meeting 14-15 May 2008 Unit D.2 Water and the Marine - WFD Team DG Environment, European Commission

Contents Overview of activities and outlook Updated article 3 and 5 reporting sheets Reporting of water status in 2010 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Overview of activities WISE “package” to be presented to the Water Directors in November: WFD consolidated reporting guidance Consolidated version of the WFD reporting schemas New WISE GIS guidance Concept paper and road-map towards WISE as a distributed system in 2015 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

WFD reporting guidance Elements to consolidate: Agreed 2007 and 2010 reporting sheets Updated art 3 and 5 reporting sheets (presented for agreement at this meeting) Reporting of water status in 2010 (presented for agreement at this meeting) Reporting sheet for groundwater directive First draft available to be distributed soon to WG C and D for comments in writing; some minor overlap with 2010 reporting sheets is expected and will need to be solved in the consolidation process Reporting sheet on economics First draft expected after summer, to be consulted through WG D Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Reporting schemas Following consultation of draft RBMP schemas, a need for consolidation has been identified in order to Incorporate changes linked to new elements, basically the revision of article 3&5 reporting sheets To the extent possible, streamline, simplify and avoid duplication of information Based on the reporting experience so far Some key experts from Technical Group and Reporting will be invited to a meeting on this issue (tentative 11 June in Prague, back to back to WISE TG) The schemas will be then distributed for consultation after summer, finalised by the end of 2008 and tested in 2009 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Some key activities of the WISE technical group Participation: EEA (lead), DG ENV, ESTAT, JRC, MS, consultants GIS guidance Updating the 2003 guidance document Main technical building block for WISE development, including specifications for reporting of geographic data Concept paper and road-map towards WISE as a distributed system in 2015 Link to INSPIRE, WISE-SDIC Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Any comment so far? In particular on the process towards the WISE “package” to be presented to the Water Directors in November WFD consolidated reporting guidance Consolidated version of the WFD reporting schemas New WISE GIS guidance Concept paper and road-map towards WISE as a distributed system in 2015 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Revised article 3 and 5 reporting sheets Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Main purpose of the revision Some requirements for the first reporting of administrative arrangements and pressure and impact analysis become obsolete 2005 reporting sheets already identified “additional information that could be requested in 2010” Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

No open issues identified Process Two Drafting Groups Discussed at Working Group D 31/3-01/4 and comments sent afterwards in writing (see summary of comments) Versions distributed for SCG show track changes since versions presented at WG D No open issues identified Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Revised art 3&5 reporting sheets The SCG is invited to Discuss and agree the reporting sheets Agree to send them to the Water Directors for endorsement without discussion Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Reporting of ecological status in 2010 Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

WFD foresees reporting of the status class of water bodies Background This issue was left open in the 2010 reporting sheets endorsed by Water Directors in 2007 WFD foresees reporting of the status class of water bodies 1 water body = 1 status class = 1 colour Proposal widely supported at the ECOSTAT Classification Workshop and WG D meeting Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Main objectives of the proposal In addition to the presentation of overall status, enable the presentation in WISE of maps at aggregated level (i.e. sub-unit or RBD) based on information from the various quality elements. This will allow a separate presentation of the situation in terms of chemical pollution or hydromorphological impacts, avoiding an overall too negative and not very informative picture that may result from the presentation of the overall status only. Overcome the difficulties on comparability that result from the lack of full intercalibration. Provide qualitative information on confidence on classification Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Main elements of the proposal Retain the requirement of the WFD 1 water body = 1 status class = 1 colour …but in addition provide information on what’s behind the status class, i.e. information on quality element level and confidence Most of the information is already reported through the monitoring programmes, e.g. the quality elements that are monitored This proposal would allow building impact maps based on information from various quality elements, although this would be done at aggregated level (i.e. RBD or sub-unit) No information on status will be displayed at water body level based on individual or a subset of quality elements Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Reporting of ecological status The SCG is invited to Discuss and agree the concept presented Agree to send it to the Water Directors for endorsement without discussion Agree to take into account the proposal in developing the 2010 reporting schemas Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Thank you for your attention