Question Forms in BSL QUESTION FORMS IN BSL By Gary L Taylor
Question Forms Raised eye brows is a common question form where a yes or a no response is likely. Example: Me go? Or….. I’m going? QUESTION FORMS
Question Forms Furrowed eyebrows is another question form which usually has at the end of the phrase who or other ‘wh’ questions such as what, when, where, why or which and also applies to how. Example: Going, who? QUESTION FORMS
Question Forms The example here is showing the sign for well. Shown here with raised eyebrows now becomes; how are you? QUESTION FORMS
Question Forms In response the same sign well, is used but together with a nod to show affirmation and now becomes; yes, I’m well. Similarly a head shake will indicate a negative response; no, I’m not well. QUESTION FORMS
Question Forms In British Sign Language (BSL) facial expression alone can change a sign or statement into a question by simply using raised or furrowed eyebrows.
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