MSELA Leadership Strand Welcome to the MSELA Leadership Strand at MSTA
Introducing Teachers & Administrators to NGSS Sarah Coleman Jennifer Gottlieb
Welcome Name District Grade Level(s) Position (subject, etc.)
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Exploring Cross Cutting Concepts
The Framework identifies seven crosscutting concepts that bridge disciplinary boundaries, uniting core ideas throughout the fields of science and engineering. Their purpose is to help students deepen their understanding of the disciplinary core ideas, and develop a coherent and scientifically based view of the world (p. 83). (NGSS, Appendix G, p. 1).
Activity 9: Exploring Crosscutting Concepts For your crosscutting concept, sort your cards into a developmental progression.
Activity 9: Exploring Crosscutting Concepts What did you notice about the progressions? How does this connect to your current practice? Brainstorm some possible benefits to helping students understand how individual course content is related to crosscutting concepts.
Reflect What is the value in completing this work with your district? When in teacher or administrator learning progressions might this activity make sense?
Science & Engineering Self-Assessment
Step 1: Self-Assessment Take 3 minutes and practice self-assessing…
Discuss… What is the value in having teachers complete this self-assessment Predict… What practices do you predict teachers would identify as weakness? Strengths?
Step 2: Collect Group Data Participants identify… 3 practices most comfortable with 3 practices least comfortable with
Step 3: Analyze If this is what you are faced with, what do you do next? What misconceptions might these teachers face? How can you use this list to prioritize and set plans for teacher learning and next steps?
Read Appendix F of the the NGSS
MAISA Professional Development Modules
Reflect How can these activities build capacity in your district? Who needs to complete these activities? When is the right time to start?