Endorsement Instructions Student’s advisor must e-mail this PowerPoint file to the SRP secretary, Professor Jerald Yoo, at jyoo@nus.edu.sg, with SRP & submission ID in the subject line. Submission ID is given to the student when the presentation file is uploaded at the submission web-site. Students do NOT send e-mail. Do NOT upload this file to the submission website.
Advisor’s Endorsement I, Prof. Advisor Name, hereby give permission to Student Name to present our work at the Student Research Preview session of ISSCC 2019. He/she is the only student to whom I am giving endorsement and he/she will keep his/her student status at the time of the conference. If accepted, my student will present our work at the conference and I will support his/her travel expense to the conference, except for the registration fee which will be waived by ISSCC for the presenter. Submission ID: Date: E-mail: advisor_email@univ.edu