Bryan Schow Brandon Johnson Ben Burns The marble slab Bryan Schow Brandon Johnson Ben Burns
Design Our design has a small marble “snake” back and forth along a wooden track, slightly decreasing the angle downward at each turn to create its velocity. The materials used were cost effective and easily available. Two trips to Lowe’s were necessary. Cost – roughly $35.00 (including destroyed materials) Time to construct: first- 4 hours; second - 7 hours
Energy We calculated the ball’s energy along the track using Conservation of Energy equation. mghinitial + ½ mv2initial= mghfinal + ½ mv2final Ball’s energy changes from gravitational potential to kinetic, neglecting friction.
Construction Issues One main issue in the beginning was that our materials were not doing the job we originally thought they would. Another huge roadblock was that overnight on Monday, November 23rd, our device was destroyed. No hard feelings though. Difficulty consistently cutting grooves with saw. Hot glue is HOT! Who would’ve thought?
Conclusions We overcame several obstacles and learned how to work as a team to accomplish the task. As a team, we spent several hours coming up with sketches, ideas, and materials, and then using these to achieve our goal. Applied principles and concepts learned this semester. Overall, we worked together, applied EF 151 concepts, and hopefully, fulfilled all requirements for this project.