11/2/2015 Bell Work Please have one person at your table grab your portfolios. We have learned a great deal in this class so far! Whether you mastered the material or learned a lot about it, you all should be proud of yourselves. For today’s bell work I’d like you to think about and write down a Learning Goal you would like to achieve in this class that will help you become great!
Make a connection with the text Goals Read the quotes within the video and write down the one that you connect with the most.
Reflect then collaborate Come up with a list of three things that will help you achieve your goal. Each item within your list should tell us ‘how’ that item will help you achieve your goal or ‘by doing what?’
I know I’ve reached my goal because… Explain how you will monitor your progress How will you know when you have met your goal?
Who and what do you need to reach your goals? Reaching your goals Who and what do you need to reach your goals? Write down two things that will help you stick to your goal.