Case 2. Case 2. Preoperative images. Midsagittal contrast-enhanced FSE T1- (A) and T2-weighted (B) views showed the usual features of spinal cord ependymoma at the T1-T2 level exhibiting pathognomonic hemosiderin-containing epidural “caps” (ball arrowheads in B). PSPs for T1-weighted sequence were as follows: TR, 530 ms; TE, 7.8 ms; ETL, 4; 4 NEX; SENSE acceleration factor, 1.4; AT, 4′04“ for 11 4-mm-thick sections. PSPs for T2-weighted sequence were as follows: TR, 2209 ms; TE, 120 ms; ETL, 20 ms; 4 NEX; SENSE acceleration factor, 1.4; AT: 3′28” for 11 4-mm-thick sections. On the T2-weighted image (B), SNR for cord and CSF were 119 and 301, respectively. Cord/CSF CNR was 182. C, Intraoperative midsagittal contrast-enhanced FSE T1-weighted view (similar section location and PSP as A) showed trapped air bubble at upper pole of resection site (arrow) and unmodified appearance of inferior hemosiderin-containing epidural cap (ball arrowhead). D, Intraoperative midsagittal FSE T2-weighted view (similar section location and PSP as B) again showed air bubble mimicking epidural (arrow) and unchanged true inferior epidural cap (ball arrowhead). SNRs for cord and CSF were 58 and 194, respectively. Cord/CSF CNR was 135. T.P. Duprez et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2008;29:1991-1994 ©2008 by American Society of Neuroradiology