Succession Fresh Bloated 1 2 3 Post-Decay Dry Decay 4 5 6
Five Stages of Decomposition Fueled by Insect Activity. A. Fresh Stage B. Bloated Stage C. Decay Stage D. Post-decay Stage E. Dry Stage
Stage 1 of Decay 7:16
Fresh Stage (Days 1-2) Blowflies have detected the cadaver Eggs are being laid, often around the eye, nostrils, mouth, followed by anus or genital openings Eggs
Stage 2: Bloat Stage
Bloated Stage (Day 2-6) Cadaver begins to swell and putrefy Flesh flies appear Small maggots are feeding Putrefaction begins. Gasses produced by anaerobic bacteria inflate the abdomen. Pig’s eye
Stage 3: Active Decay
Decay Stage (Days 5-11) Adult blowflies no longer attracted. Large masses of maggots feeding externally and internally Predators and parasitoids of maggots arrive Abdominal wall breaks allowing gasses to escape. Carcass deflates.
Stage 4:Dry Decay
Post-Decay Stage (Days 10-25) Cadaver is drying out. Large maggots are leaving or have left In dry habitats, remains are skin, cartilage, and bones. In wet habitats, wet, viscous material in the soil under the remains.
Dry Stage Skin and bones Insects with the ability to digest keratin (clothes moths and dermestid beetles).
Stages of Decay Video
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The End