Analysis and Statement of Research Problem
In problem statement, answers are sought for the question: what is the problem and why should it be studied? Where do we stand with regard to that problem(what is the situation now) Where are we supposed to stand? (what should be) - What is the discrepancy ( the gap)
Questions should be addressed systematically i. e Questions should be addressed systematically i.e. scientifically so as to provide identification and definition of the problem: Describe the importance of the problem in/to the public Describe how big the problem is i.e. its magnitude Describe the relevance: how widely distributed it is – geographically and among the population, How severe it is
Health problems of public health importance: Before going further wit h the Statement see if the issue at hand is a public health problem Health problems of public health importance: Have big magnitude- high proportion of burden in the community In terms of disease: occurs rapidly Affects large number of people in a small span of time Causes morbidity (ill health) and mortality(deaths) Can be controlled and prevented if timely interventions are employed Therefore answers to above questions should consider facts on public health importance of the problem Systematic approach(above) provides reasons for conducting/not conducting of research on the problem
Analysis of the problem Analysis of the problem entails: Its nature, distribution, size, intensity and severity Review literature to quantify the above attributes—intensive literature search by getting data on major issues from global level-regional(Africa/East Africa) and locally Identify associated/contributing/determining factors to the problem Identify (via empirical literature review= based on scientific testing/practical experience) any indicated relationship between the mentioned factors Look for other groups of factors from sociological, cultural/behavioural, disease aspects and also service provision
;’ Make analysis diagram to try and illustrate the possible associations Take an example of malaria disease as a problem and one would like to make analysis FACTORS: - non protection of mosquito-person contact (usually provided via ITN, coils, cutaneous repellents, screening of houses, IRS) ( Inadequate/delayed treatment prompt and adequate diagnosis and treatment, Dosages, Appropriate drugs) - Lack of mosquito control(larviciding, drainage, removal of all breeding sites
Problem statement enables the researcher to find information or reports of similar studies which will benefit the study being proposed The statement helps the researcher to consider the next steps of the protocol after establishing WHAT is vs WHAT should be? And knowing the GAP of knowledge which should be filled through research This leads to next steps of the proposal, namely the Objectives and Methodology
Problem statement MUST Be a brief description of earlier scientific work on the problem to be studied. Such descriptions are obtainable via relevant literature search Contain brief description of socio-economic and cultural characteristics plus the size, severity, and distribution of the problem identifying: who, when ,where? Identify what are the consequences of the problem among the affected persons? Provide analysis of major factors that may influence the problem- plus why certain issues /related factors NEED more elaboration/ investigation. Such investigations and analyses into relationships may fill the noted gaps and thus lead to solution of the health problems Shows solutions (from literature) that have been tried in the past , how they worked/failed = justify further studies
Cont. Report on solutions which have so far been developed/tried in solving similar problems –show: -how well have the tried interventions/solutions worked in field/actual life conditions? Describe the expected outputs/expected data/information. Inform how the information /knowledge will solve the problem via interventions/ treatment