That Man is a big shot. He is on the high horse. That task is a tall order. He had a close shave. She was waiting for him on pins and needles. It was raining cats and dogs.
Deliver a speech Deliver is translated in Arabic as يسلم However, it collocates with many nouns in English. Arabic uses a different word for each
Deliver a letter يسلم خطابا Deliver a speech/lecture يلقي خطابا/محاضرة Deliver news ينقل اخبارا Deliver a blow يوجه ضربة Deliver a verdict يصدر حكما Deliver a baby تلد
Translate the following into word-to-word. Why do you think such a translation may not be acceptable? Try to give an acceptable rendering of the sentences
She came to school yesterday. What is your name? She will be here tomorrow. 4. There was driving rain yesterday.
Free Translation: We translate the spirit, or the message, not the letter or the form of the text. We do not translate every single word in a text. It means to translate freely without constraints. Translators can translate the way they understands the text.
Translators adhere to text and context rather than each individual word in the text.
Is free translation acceptable?
Free translation Bound Loose
Bound Free Translation Derived from the context in a direct way. It may go out of it in some way or another for in the form of exaggeration, expressivity, Examples:
Common among these translations is their expressive, effective, rhetorical and very formal Arabic, by means of using:
Loose Free Translation goes far away from the direct linguistic context to inferences. is based on the translator's conclusions about what the speaker/writer wants to say
It is a version of pragmatic translation. It does not relate directly to the original context, but is concluded from it.
The Process of Translation describes how we proceed at translating something in practice. Refers to the organized stages of translating in application. Do we proceed at a word by word? a phrase by phrase? a clause by clause? a sentence by sentence? a paragraph by paragraph? or a text by text?
The Unit of Translation Can be a word like thus, therefore, yet, actually, a phrase (e.g. collocations like: pass a law يسن قانونا brain drain هجرة الادمغة
idioms such as: tall order مهمة شاقة Clause: “she did not come to work yesterday (2) because she was sick”
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