Early Years Collaborative Welcome and introductions Early Years Collaborative
Context National Outcome 2007: Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed Early Years Framework 2008 10 key elements Early Years Taskforce 2011 In partnership with local government, the NHS, the police and the Third Sector Let’s put the EYC into some sort of context National outcome – 2007 Early years framework 2008 – lay down 10 key elements of transformational change such as offering a coherent approach, using the strength of universal services to deliver prevention and early intervention The Early Years Taskforce 2011 was established to develop and drive strategic change and the Early Years Collaborative is the creation of a structure ‘in which partners can learn from each other and recognised experts in areas they want to make improvements’
Threaded throughout the early years agenda is getting it right for every child which is founded on the principles of early intervention through appropriate, proportionate and timely intervention, ensuring that all Scotland’s children and their families have consistent and co-ordinated care when they need it
Our Ambition To make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up in by improving outcomes, and reducing inequalities, for all babies, children, mothers, fathers and families across Scotland to ensure that all children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed The Early Years Taskforce created their own ambition statement in 2011 and the Collaborative has been developed to help us to deliver this.
Early Years Collaborative Pre-birth to 1 year 1 year to 30 months 30 months to Primary school P1 to end of P4 Leadership Scotland – the best place in the world to grow up We have considered how we might make this into manageable chunks so that partners can coalesce around particular communities of interest Maternity and neonatal period –. links to single agency, health led activity on maternal smoking, induction and PPH. EYC will bring in multiagency partners to contribute to these issues where possible and widen out aims to include wider range of issues such as alcohol, drugs, domestic violence etc 1 month to 3 years- early development period- busiest period for neural proliferation, crucial for building brain architecture and supporting positive brain chemistry. Focus on parent/child interaction, attachment, communication and development of fine and gross motor skills 3-5 years- cementing those skills gained and building the complexity of developing competencies Leadership – ensuring that the right conditions exist to create, stimulate and facilitate an improvement culture and to ensure barriers to improvement are removed quickly. In addition there is now scoping around a 5th workstream for children from the start of primary school to age 8 which aligns the EYC with the 0-8 age range of the Early Years Framework and covers Early Level within Curriculum for Excellence.
Workstream 1 To ensure that women experience positive pregnancies which result in the birth of more healthy babies as evidenced by a reduction of 15% in the rates of still births and infant mortality from 2010 to 2015 The taskforce, consisting of experts and professionals from early years across Scotland developed three stretch aims, focusing on three main areas Pre-conception to 1 year 1 year to 30 months And 30 months – primary school There is also be a fourth workstream around leadership and how leaders across scotland can lead the change
Workstream 2 85% of all children within each CPP have reached all of the expected developmental milestones at the time of the child’s 27-30 month child health review by end-2016
Workstream 3 90% of all children within each CPP have reached all of the expected developmental milestones at the time the child starts primary school, by end-2017
Workstream 4 90% of all children in each CPP will have reached al of their expected developmental milestones and learning outcomes by the end of primary 4, by end 2021
How? EYC is the means to deliver all the aspirations from the framework, the task force and GIRFEC
Stretch Aims Going back to the stretch aims and the magnitude of them, this has a purpose. If we make the improvement target only 1%, we would just work harder, we wouldn’t change the system Stretching the aims and make the improvement task harder means we have to stand back and take stock. We have to get off the hamster wheel and look at what we need to do. We can’t do it by hard work alone. We need to change the system
Brief explanation of the Model for Improvement which is in two parts the thinking part – the 3 questions at the top the doing part – the PDSA cycles
Get Involved http://www.scotland.gov.uk http://www.ihi.org http://www.qihub.scot.nhs.uk #bestplacetogrowup There are lots of ways of engaging with the EYC and for those who wish for more information the websites above are a good place to start. All things EYC and GIRFEC on twitter use the hashtag #bestplacetogrowup and @eycollaborative is definitely worth a follow for any twitter users.
If I had a magic wand… http://player.vimeo.com/video/59141994 To close, let’s have a look at the hopes for the EYC of some of the practitioners who attended LS1