IBM Experience With e-SENS Interoperability and Conformance Testing May 26, 2016
Why Did IBM Pursue Interop and Conformance Testing? IBM is a global service provider: We provide services, software, solutions and operating solutions in support of all the world’s geographic areas. CEF is about building a sustainable infrastructure in Europe: IBM sees an obligation to participate, we see business opportunities and through our participation we want to make a contribution to the success of CEF which in the end will benefit both citizen and companies. IBM has multiple mature B2B products and services we wish to extend to AS4 based networks: We see AS4 as an enabling technology of the future that will enable us to build trading networks with unprecedented security and reliability. © 2015 IBM
Fundamental Challenges Encountered Drummond certification means nothing in e-SENS: You have to re-certify all over again. Interoperability is only one part: Conformance is not interoperability, so there is more work to do. You have to certify against an implementation which is a subset of AS4 (additional constraints). e-SENS expects the latest and greatest technology: Make sure you keep up with the AS4 standard changes and support the latest technologies such as the latest encryption/decryption and key transport algorithms. Expect to be asked to participate in more business specific contexts: Large file testing, Connectathons, etc. © 2015 IBM
How would you summarize the most important lessons learned? Expect to be told you have non-conformance issues: Sometimes it is a matter of interpretation by a particular implementation. An open and collaborative approach is the quickest way to complete it. Network as much as possible: Get to know the experts and alumni. If others are going through the test at the same time, network with them as well. If you have a question: 1. Consult the doc 2. Phone a friend (Skype or WhatsApp) 3. Ask the audience (BaseCamp) 4. Figure it out yourself Take advantage of workshops: Get away from your day to day responsibilities and collaborate with experts in real time. Challenges have been that not all focus efforts at the same time: If possible synchronize your efforts with others doing the same testing. A thorough plan with clear goals and management commitment will expedite the effort: Can be difficult to justify without customer demand. © 2015 IBM
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