Around 1764, a textile worker named James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny. Hargreaves’ Spinning Jenny allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time.
Steam Engines were used to power factories, trains & steam ships! In 1765, James Watt figured out a way to make the steam engine work faster and more efficiently while burning less fuel. Steam Engines were used to power factories, trains & steam ships!
American inventor, pioneer, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer Eli Whitney is best remembered as the inventor of the Cotton Gin. This machine allowed cotton to be cleaned much more efficiently. Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin in 1794.
Henry Bessemer invented the first process for mass producing steel in 1855. Steel was used to build railroad lines and stronger, taller buildings.
Edward Jenner was an English scientist who was the first doctor to introduce and study the small pox vaccine. Around this time, smallpox was greatly feared because one in three people who contracted the disease died. The invention of the small pox vaccine occurred in 1796.
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist who discovered bacteria in the 1860s. He is known for making milk safe to drink and creating the first vaccine for rabies.