Year 11 Parents Information Evening History
Success in GCSE History What students and parents should do to prepare pupils for success in GCSE History?
The topics we cover in GCSE History Edexcel exam board Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939 American West, 1835-1895 Medicine through time, 1250-present Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588
Knowledge Organisers Students have been given a Knowledge Organiser for each of the topics they have studied so far. This contains the essential knowledge required to pass the exam and explanation of how to answer exam questions perfectly with examples. Students should be able to explain everything in the Knowledge Organiser and elaborate on each keyword.
School holiday home learning Each school holiday home learning which recaps various parts of the course. In Year 10 these took the form of questions. In Year 11 they are student workbooks. Students and parents should ensure these are completed as they recap entire units of work, have exam style questions and in-depth concepts within them.
Revision guides Revision guides break down the course and are excellent revision tools. They are available on amazon.
Revision sessions Revision sessions start on Monday 1st October. They will run from 3.15 to 4.15 in the Main Hall with Mr Allen. They will cover all topics covered in the students GCSE so far.
Revision Bad ways to revise Highlighting Re-reading text Summarising text Good ways to revise Flashcards Elaborating of single words more and more each time Spacing revision further and further apart each time Regularly testing knowledge