SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES Dr Anna Sacio-Szymańska Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute (ITeE – PIB) Radom, Poland EFP Final Conference: Young Researchers Session on FLA Related Research Vienna, 28 September 2012
Presentation plan 2/11 Research rationale Foresight methodology Foresight results Sources: SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES
Research rationale The priorities determined in the NFP Poland 2020 were too broad to: help public research organisations to effectively identify, sort and prioritise their research projects and help companies to make investment decisions concerning particular innovative technological solutions. Institutes 2008 – 2013 strategy: achieving better correlation between the institutes and national R&D priorities, achieving more accurate correlation between the institutes R&D and the needs of the economy, improving the position in national and international R&D cooperation networks. The need for the institutes corporate foresight project 3/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES
Research rationale Corporate Foresight companies public research organisations profit-oriented public benefit-oriented socio-cultural technological economic ecological political factors Focus on customers Focus on the society Focus on norms, standards, regulations Focus on governmental & EU documents, strategies, programmes, projects Sources: necessity to develop an original model of foresight foresight models 4/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES
Detailed R&D projects of a strategic research institute General (statutory) R&D priorities of a strategic research institute Research teams OPERATIONAL MODELS OF FORESIGHT FORESIGHT METHODS Strategic R&D priorities of a research area Corporate foresight of a strategic research institute External experts National Foresight Programme Research and commercial potential Scenario building Key technologies …. Method n SWOT, STEEPV SWOT, STEEPV Technology roadmapping Collecting Post Observatory Think-tank Sectoral foresight of a strategic research institute Socio-cultural, technological, economic, ecological, political factors and wild cards 5/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES
State-of-the-art analysis Expert panels New R&D priorities Key technologies R&D programmes and projects Emerging technologies Confrontation of R&D priorities: national versus corporate levels Alternative funding sources (e.g. industry or EU funds) R&D projects of the institute I R&D projects of the institute I Detailed R&D priorities II Detailed R&D priorities II General R&D priorities III General R&D priorities III Integrated groups of R&D priorities IV Integrated groups of R&D priorities IV Thematic area 6/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES Research methodology
Determination of R&D priorities and the selection of key development directions Determination of key factors influencing the development of the institutes R&D activity Creation of alternative scenarios of the institutes R&D development Elaboration of operational plan for the implementation of the preferred R&D scenario FORESIGHT Key technologies Benchmarking Scenario building STEEP SWOT Technology roadmapping Expert panels Workshops Brainstorming Structural analysis Questionnaire survey Expert panel Workshops SWOT METHODS SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES 7/11
Foresight results RESULTS LISTS OF R&D PRIORITIES IN FIVE RESEARCH AREAS THREE ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS A STRATEGIC R&D PROGRAMME DATABASE OF KEY TECHNOLOGIES IN FIVE RESEARCH AREAS Scenario C MARKET Scenario A BASIC RESEARCH Scenario B SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (1)Specialized research and testing apparatus (2) Mechatronic technologies and control systems (3) Advanced material technologies and nanotechnologies (4) Pro-ecological technologies, natural resources and renewable energy sources (5) Technologies of technical and environmental safety Sources: UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Material Measurement Laboratory, SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES 8/11
9/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES I. Systems of knowledge transformation, advanced technologies transfer and commercialisation of innovative solutions Foresight results II. Advanced technologies supporting production and maintenance processes Hybrid plasma technological device Device for powder application in anti- damp cable coatings III. Test apparatus and unique technical devices Thermomechanic electrical insulator testing chamber Manipulator for the positioning of the measuring microphone in the anechoic chamber Pneumatic gun for impact tests in aviation IV. Systems and methods for the rationalisation of the use of the resources Device for the regeneration of aqueous technological fluids Catalytic fillings of bioreactors for technologies of industrial waste utilisation V. Systems of diagnosis and safe maintenance of technical objects Test chamber for electromechanic drives Thermomechanic electrical insulator testing chamber Technological line for RFID tags implementation
Conclusions Activities aimed at developing methodology of evaluation of foresight results are undertaken in co-operation with international experts Although first corporate foresight exercise at the research institute had numerous drawbacks, it contributed to the successful launch of Strategic Programme co-financed from structural funds The next corporate foresight is planned and a modified methodology combining qualitative and quantitative methods is being developed 10/11 SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES
Hierarchic Structure for Generation of Innovative Research Directions and Technologies SETTING PRIORITY R&D DIRECTIONS FOR THE STRATEGIC RESEARCH INSTITUTES Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute Pulaskiego 6/10, Radom, POLAND