ESF Technical Working Group Tallinn, 28 November 2017


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Presentation transcript:

ESF Technical Working Group Tallinn, 28 November 2017 Youth Employment Initiative: technical issues on the YEI increase and the 2018 budget ESF Technical Working Group Tallinn, 28 November 2017

I. State of play and next steps YEI increase (1) OP amendments affected by the YEI increase: assessments and internal COM consultations on-going. MS to submit the amended PA with the last OP affected by the YEI increase/technical adjustment Need to adopt the COM decisions on the OP amendments and make the 2017 commitments by 31.12.2017 + Notification of the COM decision to MS

I. State of play and next steps YEI increase (2) 30 November 2017: EP expected to vote the CPR amendment to the reflecting the YEI increase of 1.2 billion EUR (COM(2017)565 of 5.10.2017 ) Content: 2017: 500 million EUR 2018 – 2020: 233 million EUR per year Between 1 to 10 December 2017: COREPER and approval by the Council 11 December 2017: signature CPR amendment by the co-legislators 12 December 2017: publication in OJ 13 December 2017: entry into force CPR amendment

I. State of play and next steps YEI increase (3) 13 December 2017: Adoption of the COM decision setting out the annual allocations and the list of eligible regions (amendment to COM Implementing Decision 2014/190/EU) + Notification to MS As from 14 December 2017 : adoption of the COM decisions on the amendments related to the YEI increase. As from the following days: commitment and notification of these decisions to the Permanent Representations.

II. Budget 2018 (1) 18 November 2017: agreement on the 2018 budget. Frontloading to 2018 of EUR 116.7 million of the YEI specific allocation. No new resources and thus no change of the list of the eligible regions Need to amend the OPs, following an amendment to the CPR and the COM implementing decision on the allocations

II. Budget 2018 (2) Early 2018 the COM will need to: make another proposal to amend the CPR to reflect the frontloading to 2018 of EUR 116.7 million. This CPR amendment needs to be adopted by the co-legislators. adopt an amended decision on the allocations. It is the split of the YEI specific allocation across 2018 and 2020 that will change. adopt decisions on the amended OPs that reflect the frontloading to 2018. These decisions need to be adopted by the end of 2018 at the very latest.

Thank you !