Aim: How do Labor Unions attempt to improve working conditions? Do Now: How could the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire have been prevented?
HW# 33 Due tomorrow!
Why did workers begin to unionize in the 1800s? What is a Labor Union? What is a labor union? An organization of workers formed to represent the interests of its members against the interests of business owners. Most common demands: higher wages shorter work hours better working conditions Why did workers begin to unionize in the 1800s?
–Collective bargaining: legal negotiation between labor and management What strategies were used by labor unions to get their demands met? –Collective bargaining: legal negotiation between labor and management –Strike: work stoppage intended to force employers to meet demands
What would business owners do to prevent or stop strikes? –Lockouts – wouldn’t let workers return to work until they gave in –Blacklists – employers shared names of pro-union workers and refused to hire anyone on the list –Yellow-dog contracts – workers had to agree NOT to join a union before they got hired –Private guards / Pinkertons were used to spy on workers and break up union activities/meetings –Courts almost always sided with big businesses – issued court injunctions to end strikes order workers back to work
As students, you are rarely given much say about the circumstances surrounding the labor you do at school (class work, homework, projects, etc.)… Today is your opportunity to draw up a list of your demands and present it to me for negotiations (through the collective bargaining process). Acting as members of a labor union, you will draw up a labor contract. Then, as a class, you will vote on the top 5 demands to be added to the final contract, which you will submit to me for approval or denial. [Keep in mind, the more realistic your demands, the more likely I am to approve them.]
As a class select one student to be your labor union LEADER…
The Labor Union leader The class’ union leader is responsible for delivering the labor union’s demands to management (me!) The labor union leader must take votes on each demand until the top 5 demands are identified and agreed upon by labor union member. The top 5 demands must be written on the chart paper to present to management during the collective bargaining process….
Task—Part 1: In your groups, come up with a list of at least 2 demands that you consider will improve your working conditions and write them on the post it. Demands: Think about: Type of work you want to do in the classroom (i.e. group activities, lectures, etc….) Type of homework you “want” to do and/or do not want to do. [Note: a “No Homework” policy will not be approved.] Types of tests and quizzes you want to have and/or not have. [Note: a “No Test” policy will not be approved.] Labor Conditions/Classroom Management (i.e. seating arrangement, bathroom policy, etc.) Compensation (i.e. extra credit offered, ) Other miscellaneous demands, concerns, etc.
Reflection: Was today’s activity valuable/worthwhile? Why or why not? Are labor unions necessary? Why would management/employers oppose labor unions?