Role of different stakeholders in boosting circular economy Prof. Joanna Kulczycka - AGH University of Science and Technology Dr Eng. Marzena Smol – Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Circular economy – raw materials – DMC In 2016 DMC in EU-28 = 13 ton per capita, of which: 6 t non-metallic minerals, 3,3 t biomass 3 t fossil energy materials, 0,7 t metal Scenario on the worldwide resource extraction, 2005 to 2030 Source: JRC Source: Dr Stefan Giljum, Christine Polzin, Resource efficiency for sustainable growth: global trends and European policy scenarios , Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI) Vienna, Austria
Mineral Raw Materials Globally Iron ore production & consumption, 1990-2011 4X greater population than 100 years ago 6X greater consumption per capita than 100 years ago 26X greater production than 100 years ago Source: Dr Karen Hanghøj, Mineral Resources in Europe and globally, current challenges and opportunities,, (28.08.2017)
Circular economy - decoupling – de-linking Sharing economy, bio-product, renewable energy, eco-design, service, extend product life, repair, recycling, reuse, symbiosis EU adopted Circular Economy Package, which includes revised legislative proposals on waste, boost global competitiveness, foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. Source: Commission of European Communities. Communication No. 614, 2015. Closing the loop - An EU action plan for the Circular Economy
Sustainability benefits of CE CE offers an opportunity to reinvent our economy, making it more sustainable and competitive. With this new plan to make Europe’s economy cleaner and more competitive, the Commission is delivering ambitious measures to cut resource use, reduce waste and boost recycling
Circular economy in Poland An Interdepartmental Circular Economy Group has been established by the Polish Ministry of Development. Project from 21 Dec 2016 May 2017 the Ministry of the Environment - EC Pilot Priority Program was established. The aim of the pilot is to develop good practice in closed-loop economics in cities.
Circular economy – role of stakeholders The responsibility for the shaping of environmental attitudes among the inhabitants of the city (village) / region Own research was based on 430 questionnaires distributed in the Małopolska region from March to June of 2017
Circular economy for SMEs Life Cycle Thinking Eco-desing Design for recycling Responsibility CSR Industrial symbiosis Markeing and Public relation Competition / cost reduction/ productivity
Circular economy for inhabitants Eco Action Day Labelling
Kraków versus circular economy MPO – PCK - A program for use textile Canpack Kraków (Jordan Caffe) ul. Długa 9
Thank you for your attention ! International Conference on Raw Materials and Energy in a Circular and Low-Carbon Economy 14-15 September 2017 Museum of Municipal Engineering, 15, Wawrzyńca St., Cracow. Welcome Free of charge