Instructions (this slide should be deleted before final hand-in) This is an OCR National Unit 1 evidence book. The yellow slides contain information on what you will need to do to achieve a pass. They are all compulsory (have to do) elements. The blue slide contain information on how to achieve merit and distinction grades. These slides are not compulsory (discuss these with your teacher). The information within the slides is for instruction only and can not be used as evidence, it must be deleted and replaced with your own work. The only thing that will remain the same on the slides is the title which contains important assessment references. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business Assessment Information (this slide should be deleted before final hand-in) Blue slides must be attempted independently, teachers can clarify what has to be done but should not give instructions on how to do it. If you are not sure try using the help information on the main toolbar of most applications. Teachers can give demonstrations of some application features to the class. (So pay attention!). The difference between Merit and Distinction is often quality of explanation do not be afraid to add more slides if you want to put in more evidence to achieve these grades. A01Da Assessment Objective Number Pass, Merit or Distinction Criteria A reference to statements on the unit grading grid contained in the units OCR Specification Assessment References Explained Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business For Teachers Use Only Assessors Initials Internal Verifiers Initials Final Assessment Objective Grade AO2 Using appropriate software, select and use tools and facilities to send and receive e-mail messages View Header and Footer Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02Pc They will send, receive, reply and forward email, including at least one message with a document attached. Screenshot one should show the e-mail you are sending. Screenshot two should show the e-mail you have received. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02Pb There should be some text and a header, although the quality of these may be poor. A02Pf They will send messages to multiple recipients. You should show the header part of the e-mail and this should show an e-mail address and subject filled in. You should also use the Cc line to send to two other students. As shown in the example below. Example Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02e They will open an attachment sent to them via email and will save it to their work area. Open the attachment sent to you and show how you saved it to your network area OCR A02 folder. Describe the process in your own words here. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02Pg Candidates will make a brief comment about the risks of opening email attachments. You should describe why you should be careful when opening e-mail attachments. Try the following link for some information. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02eM They will send, receive, reply and forward email, including messages with multiple documents attached. You should show a screenshot of your e-mail that shows you have attached at least three documents. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02fMD They will ( Distinction: consistently) use appropriate subjects and message text. You should show your e-mail headers for the e-mail you have sent and the e-mail you replied to. They should show that you have used appropriate subjects and message text. The next two slides should show this using screenshot of the e-mail. The text in the e-mail should be a size that is readable. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02fMD They will ( Distinction: consistently) use appropriate subjects and message text. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02fMD They will ( Distinction: consistently) use appropriate subjects and message text. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02gM They will send messages to multiple Recipients and demonstrate an understanding of the use of cc. You should show the e-mail header of the e-mail you replied with as this will have Cc filled in. Describe what Cc is and what you use it for here. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
A02hM They will set messages as high or low importance. A screenshot of setting a message as high or low importance. Explain how here. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02iMD Candidates will summarise the risks of receiving and opening email attachments. For Distinction suggest actions that could be taken to reduce these risks. You should complete this Assessment Objective in poster form using MS Word entitled E-mail Safety. Screenshot it in full screen mode (zoomed down to one page) here. Bullet point the risks of receiving and opening e-mail attachments. For distinction suggest how you can keep yourself safe against the risks. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02jMD They will send messages to multiple recipients using cc and bcc appropriately, considering privacy issues. You should screenshot the reply header e-mail, for distinction you should have completed the Bcc Section. You should describe here what it used for. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02gMD They will store, retrieve and use email addresses and details of personal contacts. Store the addresses of the people who you are sending the e-mail to in you address book. Screenshot this process. Retrieve the e-mail address by inserting it into the header section of an e-mail. Screenshot this process. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business
OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business A02ghMD They will make effective use of features of email software, including creating and using an email signature.. Show with screenshot how to create and use an e-mail signature. Replace this with your full name OCR Unit 1 ICT Skills for Business