Favorite Twitter Searches App CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 1. ScrollView A ViewGroup that can contain other views and that lets user scroll CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 2. Create Resource Files colors.xml @color/color_name dimen.xml @dimen/dimen_name Density-independent pixel (dp or dip) Scale-independent pixel (sp) CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 3. AlertDialog A modal dialog which user can interact with the app AlertDialog.Builder to create the AlertDialog CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 4. SharedPreference Save key/values pairs associated with apps The key must be string, the values can be Strings or primitive-type values SharedPreference.Editor to modify the content CS7030: Mobile App Development
SharedPreference Get SharedPreference Save to SharedPreference savedSearches = getSharedPreferences("searches",MODE_PRIVATE); MODE_PRIVATE MODE_WORLD_READABLE MODE_WORLD_WRITABLE Save to SharedPreference SharedPreferences.Editor spe = savedSearches.edit(); spe.putString(tag, query); spe.apply(); Retrieve from SharedPreference Map<String,?> queryMap = savedSearches.getAll(); Set<String> tagSet = queryMap.keySet(); String[] tags = tagSet.toArray(new String[0]); Arrays.sort(tags,String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 5. LayoutInflater Programmatically create GUI components from a predefined XML layout getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); CS7030: Mobile App Development
Technologies Overview 6. Intents Intent queryIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“http://twitter.com/search?q=“ + query)); startActivity(queryIntent); CS7030: Mobile App Development