Mandate for European affairs and international cooperation division Raimonda Šimienė Statistics Lithuania 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
20-21 March 2014 MGSC
European Affairs and International Cooperation division (EAICD) Regulation: Order of DG on regulations of the European Affairs and International Cooperation Division of SL Order of DG on work regulation of SL Order of DG on the approval of a description of procedures for the management of documents at SL 4 full time employees Job descriptions, based on the Regulations of the Division, approved by the orders of DG 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
Main EAIC activities, as assigned by the Regulations of the European Affairs and International Cooperation Division of Statistics Lithuania Participation in formation of Lithuania‘s position in planning and implementing EU legislation regulating statistics Ensurance of transposition of provisions of statistical Acquis Communautaire into national legislature and practical implementation Ensurance of competent participation and representation of SL in the ESS framework and international fora Organisation, co-ordination and monitoring of participation in bi-lateral and multi-lateral projects, EU programmes, application for grants, ESSNet projects Organisation, co-ordination and monitoring of participation in technical assistance activities in the third countries as consortia partners or within bilateral agreements, management of relevant documentation Management of information flows on EU and international activities - related to statistics, analyses of the proposals for the best practices relevant to development of national statistics Development of annual and strategic plans and reporting in the competence of international relations; preparation and updating the international context-related information on the external and internal websites of SL In 2013 (second half) Coordination of activities related to Lithuania‘s Presidency in the CWGS 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
20-21 March MGSC
20-21 March 2014 MGSC
20-21 March 2014 MGSC
Main legal acts regulating EAICD processes (1) EU affairs: coordination of preparation of LT positions, transposition of EU legislation into national legislation, monitoring (sub-processes 1.31 and 1.3.2): Gov. Res. on Lithuania’s positions regarding EU issues and on implementation of EU Law in Lithuania Order of DG on the rules on EU Affairs co-ordination Ensurance of competent participation and representation of SL in the ESS framework and in the international organisations, coordination and organisation of international events (sub-process 1.5): Gov. Res. on the approval of the rules for the repayment of expenses incurred on secondments in budgetary institutions Gov. Res. on the approval of the rules for the repayment of expenses incurred by the representatives of the Republic of Lithuania on trips to the meetings of the bodies of the Council of the European Union Order Fin. Min. on per diem allowance and accommodation rental rates for those on secondment abroad Order DG on participation in the sectoral groups, working parties and task forces of the Statistical Office of the European Union and on the appointment of representatives to participate in the EU Council Working Party on Statistics, European Commission committees and the Committee on the Joining of Article 52 of the Treaty on the European Union, approved annually Order DG on the description of procedures of SL for the organisation of secondments abroad . 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
Main legal acts regulating processes (2) Organisation, co-ordination and monitoring of participation in bi-lateral and multi-lateral projects, EU programmes, submission of tenders and application for subsidies and grants, ESSNet projects, technical assistance projects (sub-process 1.5): Order DG on the approval of a description of procedures for the submission of applications for the implementation of projects funded by the European Commission, signing of agreements, project implementation and monitoring Development of annual and strategic plans and reporting thereof in the competence of international relations; preparation and updating the international context-related information on the external and internal websites of SL (sub-process 1.5): Gov. Res. on the approval of a strategic planning methodology Order DG on the approval of a description of procedures for strategic planning at SL Gov. Res. on the approval of the description of general requirements for the websites of State and municipal authorities and agencies Order DG on the management of the intranet of SL Order DG on the improvement of services provided by SL (Intranet plan for 2014). 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
Good practice of European Affairs and International Cooperation division, Statistics Lithuania Support from the top management Well defined internal procedures and implementing rules, allocating tasks and responsibilities for all stakeholders, established and documented Good cooperation and interrelationship with other functional divisions (Legal, Financial, HRM) and production divisions established Experts from production divisions actively involved into statistical cooperation (technical assistance activities, sharing experience on good practices) International cooperation with other NSI’s established Staff stability; constant staff training 20-21 March 2014 MGSC
Thank you for your attention! 20-21 March 2014 MGSC