Management Frame Protection Study Group Request July 2004 Management Frame Protection Study Group Request Emily Qi and Jesse Walker Intel Corporation Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation
Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx July 2004 Motivation IEEE 802.11i does not define management frame protection scheme IEEE 802.11 Management Frames are widely used in IEEE 802.11, its amendments, and Task Groups Association, Disassociation, Reassociation, Deauthentication 802.11r may or may not address security for these messages Action frames (802.11h, 802.11k, 802.11e, potentially WNM) Not being addressed by any existing projects or amendments Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx July 2004 Motivation (cont.) WNM SG voted that it wants a single unified solution to the security problem Concerned that different Task Groups propose different solutions potential for security holes, implementation nightmares Concerned non-security Task Groups lack sufficient security expertise 802.11k participants concur Single and unified solution needed for all IEEE 802.11 Management Frames Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx July 2004 Objective It is proposed that a Study Group be established to assess whether there is justification to form a task group to define a standard IEEE 802.11 management frame protection scheme Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Proposed SG Scope Identify technical scope Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx July 2004 Proposed SG Scope Identify technical scope Determine impacts on IEEE 802.11, for example: Threat Analysis: Identify security threats to IEEE 802.11 management messages. Potential Remediation : Determine whether available mechanisms are economically feasible and of utility to the community. Decide whether a TG is needed, and if so define PAR and 5Criteria. Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
Proposed SG Work A decision regarding the creation of a Task Group Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx July 2004 Proposed SG Work A decision regarding the creation of a Task Group Creation of PAR and 5Criteria with the objective of producing an output document which defines how IEEE 802.11 management messages can be protected. Draft set of input requirements Determine relationships with other IEEE 802 groups. To underpin specific requirements raised by external standardization bodies Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company
July 2004 Motion Move that the WNG SC recommends that the IEEE 802.11 WG form a study group to examine how to formally describe the IEEE 802.11 Management Frame and Control Frame protection functions and behaviors, with the intent to create a PAR and five criteria to form a new Task Group. Emily Qi & Jesse Walker, Intel Corporation