Stewards of the Promise The Faith Role of Catholic School Trustees
Expectations of Catholic Trustees “Catholic trustees are not simply elected politicians with responsibility for an education system. They are rather, believing Catholics called to be the stewards of faith for the children in our schools.” Witnesses to Faith, 1997
The Joy of Service Trustees are encouraged by the knowledge that the contribution of their skills, experience and time, is an investment in the future and in the future leadership of our communities, our Catholic school system, our country and our Church. The role of trustee is an extension of our faith, our work in Catholic education truly is a vocation and opportunity to be of service to those in our communities.
Personal Faith Commitment Centre our lives in the person of Jesus Christ. Express our faith in full communion with and participation in the faith life of the Catholic Church. Recognize our vocational call to trusteeship as a ministry of service within the church. Serve as role models by the way we conduct ourselves individually and collectively. Remain committed to spiritual growth as Catholic leaders through participation in faith formation activities.
Policy Development Trustees are entrusted to create policies around the Catholic educational community that highlight our distinctiveness and are recognized by all those who enter our schools. Policies must ensure that the message of the Christian Gospel is taught with integrity in Catholic schools. Trustees individually and collectively should consider and see policy development through the lens of Catholic faith and the mission of the school system.
Home, School, Parish Triad Trustees are a strong link and integral to the connection between home, school and parish. We wear the role of politician, parishioner and often parent, a role that puts us in a clearly unique position and offers us the opportunity to richly enhance the home, school, parish relationship.
Called to Service, Called to Witness Catholic school trustees role is one of service and stewardship. This service is a vocational call to trusteeship as a ministry of service within the church. Faith formation activities are important especially those related to Church teachings that relate to education. Trustees serve as role models by the way they conduct themselves individually and collectively.
Administrative Accountability Establishing employment and promotion policies related to hiring, retention and appraisal of qualified administrators and staff committed to the board’s Catholic education mission. Ensure that the Director of Education embodies Gospel values in appropriately and effectively implementing government policy and curricular programs, exercising sound stewardship, and developing effective management and relations practices.
Stewardship of Resources Establish budgets that reflect the spirit of Christian stewardship and assign resources honestly, appropriately and equitably. As followers of Christ, we are challenged to make a preferential option for the poor, namely, to create conditions for marginalized voices to be heard, to defend the defenseless, and to assess lifestyles, policies and social institutions in terms of their impact on the poor Monitor board management, fiscal and employment practices to ensure that they are in keeping with Catholic social justice principles and the board’s mission.
Faith Community Promote the welfare, well-being and dignity of all in the educational community. Establish employment and promotion policies related to the hiring, retention and appraisal of qualified staff committed to the Catholic educational mission. Support religious education and faith formation programs as well as opportunities for liturgical celebration and prayerful reflection.
Privilege and Responsibility “those involved in Catholic education have a privilege and responsibility.” This Moment of Promise The Catholic educational community has an enviable record of strong trustee leadership, service, commitment, determination, creativity and management even in times of adversity. The history of Catholic Schools is rich with the struggles and successes of Catholic school trustees. It is a legacy of well-established schools and school systems across the province. Current and future generations of Catholic trustees will share in the joy of adding new and meaningful dimensions to this legacy.
Concluding Comments As trustees we not only represent our wards, our ridings or boards but share the responsibility for the development of the faith of children in Catholic schools across the province and country. An awesome task, an awesome responsibility, may God bless us in this work!