The Stages of a Car Accident Lawsuit
While every car accident case is unique, most car accident lawsuits follow the same timeline. The following is an overview of the stages in a car accident case.
Hiring a lawyer: This is the first step in the legal process Hiring a lawyer: This is the first step in the legal process. Once you have hired a lawyer, he or she can help you with every aspect of the case. Making a demand: Your lawyer will send out a demand letter to the at-fault party and his or her representative.
Negotiation and settlement: After the demand letter is sent, your lawyer will attempt to negotiate a favorable settlement on your behalf. Filing a lawsuit: If a settlement cannot be reached between you and the at-fault party, your lawyer will then file a lawsuit with the appropriate court.
Fact finding and discovery: After a lawsuit has been filed, your lawyer will begin investigating the facts of the case. This may involve collecting evidence such as police reports, witness statements and medical records. Summary judgement: If your lawyer believes that the evidence you have collected supports your request for compensation, he or she will file a motion for summary judgment. If your motion for summary judgment is denied, your case will proceed to trial.
Trial: During trial, the jury will make the final decision about who was at fault and how much compensation should be awarded to the victim.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, our experienced and knowledgeable car accident attorneys can help you. Our car accident attorneys have the necessary skills and determination to help you recover the maximum compensation possible.
Contact Us The Reinken Law Firm Stamford: 203-541-0090 Danbury: 203-491-4404 Bridgeport: 203-418-7037 Greenwich: 203-489-2825